Lesley Brooks, PhD Literature Candidate
Lesley was hired as the Coordinator of Library Operations for the 91tvӰԺ Tampa Library. She largely works as the production editor for 91tvӰԺ’s open access journals.
Mary Isabella Fraraccio, English Literary Studies Major
- --. “The Search for Postcolonial Identity in Tayeb Salih’s Seasons of Migration to the North.” Undergraduate Humanities Conference, 21-22 Nov. 2019, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. Conference Presentation.
Courtney Holzwarth, English Literary Studies Major
- --. “Narrative Perspective in Sherlock Holmes Short Stories and Television.” Undergraduate Humanities Conference, 21-22 Nov. 2019, 91tvӰԺ, Tampa, FL. Conference Presentation.
Angelica Johnson, English Literary Studies Major
- --. “The Patriarchal Voice in Jamaica Kincaid’s Girl.” Undergraduate Humanities Conference, 21-22 November 2019, 91tvӰԺ, Tampa, FL. Conference Presentation.
Lynette Kuliyeva, PhD Literature Candidate
- --. "The Transformation of the Shakespearean Clown in the Romances." PAMLA Annual Conference, 17 Nov. 2019, San Diego, CA.
Victoria Vadell, English Literary Studies Major
- --. "Literature and Character Development in Shelly's Frankenstein." Undergraduate Humanities Conference, 21-22 Nov. 2019, 91tvӰԺ, Tampa, FL. Conference Presentation.
McKenzie Zalopany, MFA Candidate
- McKenzie was accepted for publication for The Boiler journal for fiction piece "Buena Vista Bonded," and at Gargoyle Magazine for "Stamp Bingo," which will be published later this year.
- McKenzie was nominated for a pushcart award for fiction piece "Scratchers and Fried Gizzards," and was nominated for the AWP awards for fiction piece, "Boulder," and for poem "Oral."
Carmella Guiol, MFA, 2017
- --. “I Gave Up All Social Media for One Full Year. Here’s My Report from the Other Side.” SELF, 7 Aug. 2019.
- --. “In ‘Ordinary Girls,’ Jaquira Díaz Explores the Dark Side of Youth.” Zora/Medium, 4 Dec. 2019.
Zachary Lundgren, MFA, 2013
- Zachary received an instructor position at the University of Northern Colorado, teaching in rhetoric, composition, and scientific writing.
- --. “An Inconvenient Apocalypse.” Imagining the End: The Apocalypse in American Popular Culture, edited by Jim Holte, ABC-CLIO, 2019.
- --. Review of Topic-Driven Environmental Rhetoric, edited by Derek G. Ross. Technical Communication Quarterly, 2019.
Michael Albrecht
- --. Review of Make America Meme Again: The Rhetoric of the Alt Right, by Heather Suzanne Woods and Leslie A. Hahner. Lateral: Journal of the Cultural Studies Association, vol. 8, no. 2, 2019.
- --. Review of True Detective: Critical Essays on the HBO Series, edited by Scott F. Stoddart and Michael Samuel. Popular Culture Studies Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, 2019, pp. 351-354.
- --. Review of Talking White Trash: Mediated Representations and Lived Experiences of White Working-Class People, by Tasha R. Dunn. Journal of Popular Culture, vol. 52, no.4, 2019, pp. 959-62.
- --. “First as Farce, Then as Tragedy: The Hilarious Nihilism of the Final Season of Veep in the Era of Trump” Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association, 2019, Pittsburgh, PA. Conference Presentation.
Alex Cendrowski
- --. "Gator Bait." Smokelong Quarterly, 18 Nov. 2019,
Rita Ciresi
- --. “Mona Lisa.” Ovunque Siamo, v. 3, no. 1, Sept. 2019.
- --. “Lowlands.” Fiction Southeast, Sept. 2019.
- --. “On His Way to American History.” Fictive Dream, Nov. 2019.
- --. “Bonds.” Ad Hoc Fiction, Nov. 2019.
- --. Wild Boys. Finalist, Los Galesburg Press Novella Contest. Nov. 2019.
Nelli Cirineo
- -- served as a site reviewer for the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA), a specialized accrediting agency that focuses on post-secondary intensive English language programs and institutions. CEA conducts accreditation activities in the U.S. and internationally. This summer Dr. Cirineo served as a team leader on one of the sites in the U.S.
- Dr. Cirineo also received the ATLE participation letter.
Steven Jones
- --. “‘A New Humanism’: Expo ’58, Roberto Busa, and the First Humanities Computing Center.” Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), The University of Luxembourg, 6 Nov. 2019. Invited lecture.
- --. “The Cold War and a ‘New Humanism’: The History of the First Humanities Computing Center.” New College of Florida, 26 Sept. 2019. Invited lecture.
- --. Foreword to One Origin of Digital Humanities: Father Roberto Busa in His Own Words, edited by Julianne Nyhan and Marco Passarotti. Springer, 2019.
Lisa Melonçon
- --. Jay R. Gould Award for Excellence in Teaching from the Society for Technical Communication, 2019.
- --. “Quiet Feminism.” DIY Feminist Activism, Feminisms and Rhetorics Biennieal Conference, 13-16 Nov. 2019, Harrisonburg, VA. Plenary Address.
- Schreiber, Joanna and Lisa Melonçon. "Creating a Continuous Improvement Model for Sustaining Programs in Technical and Professional Communication." Journal of Technical Writing & Communication, vol. 49, no. 3, 2019, pp. 252-278.
Cynthia Patterson
- --. "'Notes of Travel' in the A.M.E. Church Review, 1903-1912.: A Precursor to The Green Book?" Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), 3 Oct. 2019, Charleston Airport Hotel & Convention Center. Conference Presentation.
Laura Runge
- --. “Austen and Computation 2.0.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language: What’s Next for Jane Austen, vol. 61, no. 4, December 2019, pp. 397-415.
- --. Panel on Eighteenth Century Women Poets and the Public Good, Aphra Behn Society, Auburn University, 8 Nov. 2019. Respondent.
- --. Publishing with ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830, Aphra Behn Society, Auburn University, 9 Nov. 2019. Workshop leader.
- --. The Cambridge Edition of Aphra Behn’s Works: a Roundtable, Aphra Behn Society, Auburn University, 7 Nov. 2019. Panel Chair.
Sara Munson Deats
- --. The Faust Legend: From Marlowe and Goethe to Contemporary Drama and Film. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Pat Rogers
- --. "The Topographical Sources of Defoe’s Tour.” Review of English Studies, vol. 70, 2019.
- --. “Some Unidentified Figures in Defoe’s Tour.” Notes & Queries, vol. 66, 2019.