
Mark T. Hauser

Visiting Assistant Professor of Instruction

CONTACT information and cv

Office: Pianoman 104D
Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D.: Carnegie Mellon University, 2019


My courses examine American history since the late nineteenth century, often examining the “common” citizen’s experience alongside broader patterns of political and cultural change. I typically encourage students to engage with their own interests by researching a topic of their choosing over the course of the semester, using smaller assignments to build up to a longer final essay that connects their work to the themes of the course.


My research focuses on American cultural and business practices of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. I’m currently finishing a book manuscript, All the Comforts of Hell: Doughboys, Business, and American Mass Culture in the First World War, which is under contract with The Johns Hopkins University Press. This project examines how soldiers’ welfare programs spurred developments in the production, management, design, distribution, and consumption of a variety of goods and services.

Since this scholarship has taken me in multiple directions, I’ve been very fortunate to have had the support of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History, the Hoover Institution, the Center for the History of Print and Digital Culture and Wisconsin Historical Society, the Kautz Family YMCA Archives, the Wisconsin Veterans Museum, and the Hagley Museum and Library. My research has also led me to join the American Historical Association, the Organization of American Historians, the Business History Conference, and the Society for Military History.

My time at the National Museum of American History deepened my interest in public history, and I am also currently assisting archivists at Carnegie Mellon University (my alma mater) with the creation of exhibits and a book describing campus life during the First World War.

Courses Taught
American History II
United States, 1877-1914
The United States Since 1945
War and Society: A Social History of the U.S. Military
Pro-Seminar in History: Innovation and the Entertainment Industry