
Maria Cizmic

Associate Professor

CPR 370

Curriculum Vitae

Maria Cizmic is the author of Performing Pain: Music and Trauma in Eastern Europe (Oxford University Press). In this work, Cizmic looks to trauma studies in order to analyze the ways in which music composition, embodied performance, and music in film can be understood to represent trauma. By focusing on late-20th century composers in Eastern Europe, Cizmic argues that this generation of composers participated in a broader late socialist culture focused on historical and cultural memory. Her areas of research and teaching also include 20th-century American experimental and popular music; film music; disability studies; embodied performance, technology, and mediation. She has published in American Music and Music and the Moving Image. Dr. Cizmic regularly teaches HUM 2250 The Twentieth Century; the Pro-Seminar and Senior Seminar sequence for HCS; and courses on film music, trauma studies, and disability studies.

Selected Publications

  • Performing Pain: Music and Trauma in Eastern Europe (Russian Translation):
  • Performing Pain: Music and Trauma in Eastern Europe: