

Our alumni are doing some amazing work. Over the last 21 years, we have have had 143 graduates earn their Ph.D. in Applied Physics. 54% of graduates have entered industry while 46% have entered academia. Check out some of the positions they have secured after graduation.

Our Graduates
Graduate Dissertation Defense Date Post- Graduation Position linkedIn
Kai Nan Void Formation in Model Liquids, Polymer Glasses, and Granular Materials Fall 2023 Senior Application Scientist - DigiM Solution; Boston, MA
Yen Pham Exploring Novel Two Dimensional Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors and Heterostructures for Spintronics Applications Summer 2023 Postdoctoral Research Fellow -    George Mason University; Fairfax, VA
Hana Hrim Nano-Optical Imaging of 2D Materials in the Quantum Regime Summer 2022 Optical Process Development Engineer - Evision Smart Optics; Sarasota, FL
Maggie Kingsland First-principles-based Modeling of Energy Converting Properties of Conventional and Emerging Ferroelectrics Spring 2022 Research Physicist -    U.S. Army DEVCOM Research Laboratory; Adelphi, MD
Corisa Kons Spin Coupling in Magnetic Core - Shell Nanoparticles Fall 2021 Principal Physicist - Northrop Grumman; Derwood, MD
Paula Mariel Coelho MBE Growth and Modifications of Early Transition Metal Tellurides Summer 2021 Assistant Professor - University of North Florida; Jacksonville, FL
Richa Madhogaria Probing the Ground State Magnetism in Materials With Competing Magnetic Interactions Spring 2021 Postdoctoral Associate - University of Tennessee; Knoxville, TN
Carlos Perez Data-Driven Modeling of the Causes and Effects of Interneuronal Dysfunction in Alzheimer's Disease and Dravet Syndrome Fall 2020 Systems Engineer - Lockheed Martin;        New Jersey
Chinta Aryal The Impacts of Membrane Modulators on Membrane Material Properties at Microscopic and Nanoscopic Levels Fall 2020 Postdoctoral Associate - University of Cincinnati; Cincinnati, OH
Juan Gomez Velez Spontaneous Raman Scattering Enhancement with Microcavities and Multipass Resonators for Trace Gas Detection Fall 2020

Optical Engineer/ Scientist - Boeing; Albuquerque, NM

Tariq Afaneh Laser-Induced Modifications in Two-Dimensional Materials Fall 2020

Assistant Professor - Birzeit University; Palestinian Authority

Dean Hobbis Investigation into Reduced Thermal Conductivity for Half-Heusler Alloys and Identification of Novel Multinary Chalcogenides Possessing Intrinsically Low Thermal Conductivity Summer 2020

Instructor - Washington University School of Medicine;        St. Louis, MO

Manuel Bonilla Lopez Van der Waals Epitaxy of Ultrathin Early Transition Metal (Ti & V) (di)Selenides: Charge and Magnetic Order in the Ultrathin Limit Summer 2020

Engineer -    Intel Corporation

Christopher Tichacek Development of a Voxel-Based Monte Carlo Radiation Dosimetry Methodology for a Targeted Alpha Particle Therapy Fall 2019

Faculty Medical Physicist - Moffitt Cancer Center;    Tampa, FL

Troy Stedman Novel Macroscopic and Microscopic Concepts in Thermoelectricity Fall 2019

Model Validation Analyst -      Citi;        Tampa, FL