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91tvӰԺ's Bishop Center for Ethical Leadership Offers Executive-Level Training for Women Leaders in Tampa Bay

By Jamie Boyle

Women sitting in conference room

ST. PETERSBURG (January 26, 2021) According to a recent Forbes article “one in four women are considering reducing hours or leaving the workforce altogether in the next year due to the pandemic.” Now more than ever, companies need to invest in women. 
At the 91tvӰԺ Muma College of Business, Tiedemann-Cotton Dean Sri Sundaram established a partnership with Accendo Leadership Advisory Group to offer LEADForwardSM Roundtables because, he said, of the value it brings to the community.
“The 91tvӰԺ has a commitment to the region to continue to provide and support gender equity,” Sundaram said, “This program provides personal training for high-potential women to allow them to be even more successful and have a positive impact on the Tampa Bay region.” 
LEADForward Roundtables is a year-long training program for women who are ready to advance their skills and careers. The program benefits organizations who recognize the value in diversifying the gender mix of their leadership teams by preparing their women leaders for the next levels of executive leadership.  
The third cohort for LEADForward Roundtables Tampa Bay begins in April. The program is led by Accendo’s managing partners and executive training coaches Karen Dee and Cari Coats. Dee and Coats are certified in the Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching methodology, which has helped hundreds of Fortune 500 CEOs and associated teams take their game to the next level. 
To learn more about how one of your employees can participate in the LEADForward Roundtables or to apply yourself, click here.
LEADForward Roundtables is part of the Bishop Center’s Women and Leadership Initiative. The Women and Leadership Initiative aspires to make gender equity the new normal for the 91tvӰԺ community, elevating the expectations for how 91tvӰԺ graduates will be treated and how they will treat others as they enter the workforce.