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Students must submit a proposed plan of study that includes plans for a research project and any coursework, independent study, or field experience that will advance the students goals in developing expertise in palliative care and/or end-of-life research. Students must specify a research mentor who is a member of the Center (or one who will become a member). FUNDING Funds for the Pilot Grant Program are derived from the Center for Hospice Palliative Care and End-of-Life Studies at 91tvӰԺ budget. The stipend amount that will be awarded to the applicant is $25,000. The Center does not provide a tuition waiver. The students graduate department may elect to offer the student a tuition waiver in addition to this stipend. REVIEW PROCEDURES Each proposal will be reviewed by at least two expert reviewers. These reviews will be used by the Center Executive Committee in making their final determination of graduate assistantships. In the event that proposals of equal merit are submitted, preference will be given to applicants whose study involves more than one affiliated institution. Affiliated institutions include: 91tvӰԺ, Chapters Health System, Empath Suncoast Hospice, Empath Tidewell Hospice, Moffitt Cancer Center, and Hope HealthCare Services. Applicants will be notified approximately 4 - 6 weeks after the submission date, regarding the award status and amount. Funding will commence on or about August 21st, 2025 (the start of the Fall 2025 semester), for a period of 9 months. Research projects cannot begin until appropriate institutional board approval is obtained. TOPICS OF INTEREST TO THE CENTER Access to Hospice Includes projects that identify and/or evaluate factors related to access and/or improved access to hospice programs and services including, but not limited to regulatory, eligibility and election issues; patient demographics, disease and prognostic issues; length of stay; health system issues; patient/physician decision-making; and needs of diverse populations. Patient/Family/Community Care Includes projects that identify and/or evaluate factors and/or improve the quality and/or scope of hospice and palliative care to patients and families and communities including, but not limited to clinical practice; interdisciplinary team approaches to hospice and palliative care; pain and symptom assessment and management; quality of life measurement and patient outcomes, caregiving, bereavement, telehealth, and complementary therapies. Research Methods Includes projects that identify, evaluate and/or improve scientifically-based strategies for translating empirical evidence into sustainable improvements in clinical practice and outcomes; develop, improve and/or validate research dissemination methods for end-of-life research; and/or increase provider participation in research. Infrastructure Includes projects that identify, evaluate and/or improve strategies for the coordination of interdisciplinary care; education/training, skills development and support of staff working within the hospice setting; role definition; and/or research on grief, staff retention, volunteer issues, and organizational change. Systems Includes projects that describe and/or evaluate hospice, and palliative care systems, and other health care and community partnerships (e.g., nursing homes, assisted living residences, hospitals); and/or improve policy or models of care across systems, partnerships, and/or disciplines. SUBMISSION PROCEDURES There will be one cycle of funding each year. Only one proposal may be submitted per cycle by any individual. Incomplete proposals and those received after the deadline will not be considered and the applicant will be notified of this. All originals must be typed, and double-spaced. Submit an electronic copy in PDF format with the appropriate signatures by the due date to PalliativeCare@usf.edu. Please adhere to space limits. Applicants are reminded that their proposal may be read by committee members and faculty outside their immediate discipline. Thus, it is essential that the applicant use language that can be understood by these reviewers and persons outside his or her discipline. It is important that applicants follow the specified submission procedures closely. Provide the following information in the order specified below. (Application forms are attached to these guidelines.) 1. Acknowledgment-of-Receipt form 2. Cover page: Title of Proposal: Title should be as descriptive and concise as possible. Name of Student Applicant: Student Academic Program: Student Campus Address: Faculty Mentor: The name, individual title and/or rank of the mentor should be recorded here. Mentor Department / Campus Location: Clearances: Check any appropriate entries. For explanations, see section on Conditions of Receiving Grant. Endorsement Signatures: Along with the Principal Investigator's signature, the appropriate department, division, and/or college officials or managers must also endorse the application. 3. Project and Education Summary: Objectives: This section should briefly describe the overall goal and specific objectives of the 1) proposed research and 2) educational plan. Anticipated Benefits and/or Products: Describe the probable benefits of the proposed project and training plan to the student, participating organizations, and/or study participants. Describe the anticipated method of dissemination of the results of the project. Discuss the students long-term goals as a researcher in this area. Key Words: Include three to five key words that best describe the project. 4. Abstract: The abstract should provide an overview of the project methodology, analysis, anticipated results of the research, and training plan. It should be written in a non-technical fashion and should not exceed 200 words. 5. Project and Educational Plan Narrative: The project narrative and educational plan narrative are not to exceed specified page limits. The project narrative is limited to 6 typed, double spaced pages. The educational plan is limited to 4 typed, double spaced pages. The addenda (e.g., questionnaires, letters of recommendation) do not count towards the page limits. The project narrative should include the following sections: introduction, specific aims, significance, and detailed plan for implementation of the research. The detailed plan should include a timetable, which indicates how much time is needed to complete each part of the study during the nine-month funding period. For example, one month to complete IRB application and training, 2 to 6 months for data collection, etc. Figures and tables are permitted. Literature cited should be in a standard format, such as APA or NLM. Future direction of the project following pilot funding should also be described. Be sure that the methodology is presented with sufficient detail to judge its merit. The student should also write a narrative describing their educational plan for the period of support and how the funding as a Graduate Assistant will enhance their career goals as a researcher focused on end-of-life care. 7. Instruments/Tools. Include all instruments/tools to be used in the project in the addendum. This does not count towards your page limit. 8. Biographical Sketch including Other Support: Complete the biographical sketch form. The biographical sketch should not exceed two (2) pages. List all support, from any source, received by the student in the past two years. For each item of support, list title, granting source, date and amount of award. Also, list applications that are pending. List all (Graduate or Undergraduate) awards received to date, describing the project that was supported and listing any results from that project, including publications, presentations, etc. Projects requesting support from sources other than the Center for Hospice Palliative Care and End-of-Life Studies at 91tvӰԺ will be considered but can only be funded from one source. Letters of Recommendation: Please include a letter of recommendation from your mentor which supports your application and acknowledges the plan for mentorship. 10. Documentation of Organizational Support: You must provide documentation from each site/organization that will be involved in the project as described below. Only the original hard copy is required. It is not required to submit the documentation by electronic copy. a. Memorandum of Understanding for Hospice Organizations: You must obtain a memorandum of understanding (MOU) from the hospice partner(s) indicating that you will be allowed to conduct the project. An electronic copy of the MOU should be submitted with the application. b. Letter of Support for Non-Hospice Organizations: If you are conducting a study with a Non-Hospice Partner Organization (e.g., Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa General Hospital), you must submit an electronic copy of the letter of support from the organization stating that you will be allowed to conduct the research at the organization. CONDITIONS OF RECEIVING AN AWARD THROUGH THE CENTER FOR HOSPICE, PALLIATIVE CARE AND END-OF-LIFE STUDIES AT THE 91tvӰԺ GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH ASSISTANT GRANT PROGRAM Enrollment and in good standing in a Masters program at the 91tvӰԺ. Development of research project and generation of pilot data, at a minimum. Acceptance of possible revisions in protocol based on recommendations of the Executive Committee of the Center. Agreement of and supervision from a mentor who is or will be a member of the Center. Acceptance of possible second mentor if recommended by the Executive Committee of the Center to assist in development of and completion of research project. Agreement of student and mentor to meet with a Training Committee during the course of the funding to monitor and evaluate the students progress. Provision of assistance to affiliated hospices/institutions in research and/or program development for four hours/week. Submission of a final progress report summarizing the project and stating the final outcome and products to the Center within 2 months after project completion date. Presentation of the project at a monthly Center meeting. Publish or make publicly available the results of the work conducted under the graduate student assistantship. A copy of each publication must be sent to the Center for Hospice, Palliative Care and End-of-Life Studies at 91tvӰԺ clearly marked with the award number. All publications resulting from this award must include the following acknowledgment: "This work was supported, in part, by the Center for Hospice, Palliative Care and End-of-Life Studies at the 91tvӰԺ Graduate Student Research Assistant Grant Program." The appropriate entries must be checked on the cover sheet and appropriate procedures must be carried out if any of the following are involved in the supported project. IRB approval must be secured prior to commencing the work. This approval is required for all interviews, surveys, and questionnaires, as well as for invasive procedures involving human subjects. Please provide a copy of the IRB approval letter to the Center. If live vertebrates are involved, approval of the Laboratory Animal Ethics Committee (LAEC) must be secured prior to commencing work. If there are to be toxic wastes, radioactive materials, recombinant DNA, pathogens, explosives, and/or known carcinogens used in the project, an explanation must be included in the proposal. CENTER FOR HOSPICE, PALLIATIVE CARE AND END-OF-LIFE STUDIES AT THE 91tvӰԺ GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH ASSISTANT GRANT PROGRAM ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM (ONLY ONE COPY OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM TO BE RETURNED) PLEASE NOTE: ONE ELECTRONIC COPY WITH REQUIRED SIGNATURES) MUST BE EMAILED TO  HYPERLINK "mailto:PalliativeCare@usf.edu" PalliativeCare@usf.edu by February 15, 2025. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE THE SIGNED LETTER OFSUPPORT AND THIS ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT EMAIL THAT CONFIRMS THE DATE OF RECEIPT AND THE ASSIGNED PROPOSAL NUMBER. For more information, please contact: Debra Dobbs, Ph.D. Associate Professor College of Behavioral and Community Sciences School of Aging Studies email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ddobbs@usf.edu" ddobbs@usf.edu NAME OF STUDENT APPLICANT: __ CAMPUS ADDRESS/TELEPHONE NUMBER: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To be completed by the Center for Hospice, Palliative Care and End-of-Life Studies at 91tvӰԺ: DATE PROPOSAL RECEIVED: ___________________________________ PROPOSAL NUMBER ASSIGNED: ________________________________ CHECKLIST (To assist you in making sure that your application is complete.) (Acknowledgement Form (One original paper copy with original signatures (Four paper copies (One electronic copy submitted by email (Cover page (Project Summary (Abstract (Project Narrative (References (Instrument/Tools (Educational Plan Narrative (Biographical Sketch of Student. (Letter of recommendation from mentor/faculty advisor (Letter of organizational support from hospice and/or non-hospice partner organization (if applicable) COVER PAGE TITLE OF PROPOSAL STUDENT APPLICANT: STUDENT GRADUATE PROGRAM: STUDENT CAMPUS ADDRESS: MENTOR (INCLUDE TITLE/FACULTY RANK): MENTOR DEPARTMENT AND CAMPUS ADDRESS: CLEARANCES NEEDED (Check all that apply): (HUMAN SUBJECTS (LIVE VERTEBRATES (BIOHAZARDS ENDORSEMENT SIGNATURES (Must have all endorsements that apply in your setting): By signing below, the student, mentor, and chair acknowledge that the applicant has contractual responsibility for individual research. The chair also acknowledges that he/she has determined whether the student is eligible for a tuition waiver as indicated below, and the student understands his or her responsibility regarding tuition: ( If this applicant is awarded a graduate assistantship funded by the Center, s/he will receive a tuition waiver from their respective college ( If this applicant is awarded a graduate assistantship funded by the Center, s/he will NOT receive a tuition waiver. The student will be fully responsible for covering the cost of his or her tuition. ______________________________________________________________________ STUDENT APPLICANT DATE MENTOR DATE _ DEPARTMENT CHAIR DATE PROJECT SUMMARY STUDENT APPLICANT: OBJECTIVES: ANTICIPATED BENEFITS: KEY WORDS: ABSTRACT PROJECT NARRATIVE (not to exceed 6 typed, double-spaced pages) A. Introduction and Significance Describe the background of the proposed study. Evaluate existing literature and state how the study will contribute to the current knowledge. B. Specific Aims Describe the aims of the study including the hypotheses to be tested. C. Experimental Design & Methods Include the following sections: 1) Participants, 2) Method, 3) Measures, 4) Statistical Analysis and Design, 5) Timetable for completing the study, and 6) Potential Limitations. (For writing guidelines, you may refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association or other standard guidelines.) D. Future Directions Describe the potential for future funding, potential for publication and plan of publication including which journals may be targeted, and potential for meeting the needs of the hospice or partner organization. E. Clearances For Human Subjects: Describe how you will protect human subjects. Include the following sections: 1) confidentiality, 2) consent process, 3) potential risks and safeguards, and 4) data storage and monitoring. For Vertebrate Animals: Describe how you will care for the animals, minimize harm, and what happens to the animals after study completion. REFERENCES INSTRUMENTS/TOOLS (Include copies of all instruments/tools to be used in the project) Educational Plan Narrative (not to exceed 4 typed, double-spaced pages) A. Class or Fieldwork Describe the class or fieldwork that you have taken or will take to enhance your interest in palliative care and/or end-of-life care. B. Mentor Indicate who your primary mentor will be and how your mentor will assist you with your project and educational plan. Describe any other mentors that may be involved in your project (more than one mentor is not required). C. Research Role Describe your role in the research project that you have proposed. For example, will you be responsible for study design, data collection, data analysis, manuscript preparation etc. How much time per week will you devote to the research project? D. Career Goals Describe how the funding as a graduate assistant will enhance your career goals as a researcher focused on palliative care and/or end-of-life care. BIOSKETCH (If you have an NIH Biosketch, you may use it in place of this template) (Maximum 4 pages, May be single spaced) BIOGRAPHICAL DATANAMEPOSITION/TITLE EDUCATION/TRAININGInstitution/LocationDegreeYear(s)Field of study SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (Papers, posters, presentations; if none, type none.) OTHER SUPPORT List all sources of support received in the past two years. For each item of support, list title, granting source, date, and amount of award. Also list applications that are pending. Students should list graduate or undergraduate awards received to date. If none, type none. 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