

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Information and Resources

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Guidance for Academic Continuity (3/9)

Dear Colleagues, 

We continue to monitor the latest developments related to coronavirus COVID-19, with the health and wellbeing of our university community foremost on our minds. As we track this rapidly evolving situation, we have been carefully planning for both current and future possible interruptions to 91tvӰԺ operations, including instructional delivery. You may recall that in a message sent last week, I asked you to consider alternatives to face-to-face instruction should students and faculty need to be away from class for a prolonged period of time. You may have read that the University of Washington, Stanford University, Columbia University and other institutions have ended all face-to-face classroom delivery, beginning today.

I am happy to report that over the last couple of weeks, we have made tremendous strides in developing the tools, technologies, training and support essential to minimizing disruption to teaching and learning and to continue student, faculty and staff support remotely. We know that some 91tvӰԺ students and faculty have already self-isolated or elected to practice social distancing due to health conditions or other reasons and, therefore, are unable to attend scheduled face-to-face classes. Due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus, I ask that you each take deliberate steps now in preparing for remote instructional delivery of your assigned classes. 

Under the leadership of Dr. Cindy DeLuca, AVP for Innovative Education, a team of professionals from across all 91tvӰԺ campuses has created a 91tvӰԺ Toolkit for Instructional Continuity  to provide you with the guidance, strategies and resources needed to make a swift transition from face-to-face instruction through leveraging our learning management tool, Canvas. This Toolkit considers the simplest way to deliver digital content while meeting student learning outcomes and aligning with your syllabus. It is important to point out that no one is being asked to convert face-to-face classes to a fully interactive online course delivery platform at this time.

The 91tvӰԺ Toolkit for Instructional Continuity provides you with the information necessary to move content from your face-to-face course to remote delivery, includes training and support, a planning checklist, frequently asked questions, technical assistance and more. This Toolkit will be updated periodically so please be sure to revisit it in the weeks to come. Importantly, 91tvӰԺ will only support those technologies, tools and platforms specified in this Toolkit (which will meet ADA compliance and align with SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation). 91tvӰԺ instructors are discouraged from adopting their own solutions (beyond those supported by 91tvӰԺ), which could place both students’ learning in jeopardy and challenge their instructional responsibilities. Should you have questions about the 91tvӰԺ Toolkit for Instructional Continuity please reach out directly to Dr. DeLuca at deluca@usf.edu

Questions related to content delivery or academic policies should be addressed to your department chair, school director or college dean who, where appropriate, will seek guidance from university leadership and/or specialized accrediting agencies. Finally, for SACSCOC related issues or if any classes, including those currently delivered at off-campus locations, need to be relocated, please immediately contact 91tvӰԺ’s SACSCOC Liaison Michael Wrona at mwrona@usf.edu.

I ask that you please access the 91tvӰԺ Toolkit for Instructional Continuity and begin exploring how you can best utilize these resources. I recognize that this will require an extraordinary adjustment in your life, and while you are not being asked to change your instructional assignment, I am asking that you work to ensure that, sooner rather than later, you will be able to continue instructional delivery to your students remotely.  I thank you in anticipation of your dedication and commitment to 91tvӰԺ’s core mission and please let me know if I can assist you in any way. 

Best regards,

Ralph C. Wilcox
Provost and Executive Vice President

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Coronavirus Updates

This is an evolving situation. Please refer to the most recent information presented.

91tvӰԺ students, faculty and staff: Please check your 91tvӰԺ email frequently. Your email will be used to convey targeted information.

The 91tvӰԺ continues to closely monitor the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is our highest priority as university leaders work closely with local, state and federal agencies to share the most updated information.