ࡱ> C {bjbj hhxO8T"""4"""hH#D("^* 1112`DN]\ e=??????$Rc"h D@`Dhhcll12xqqqhl1:"2=qh=qq3|!0o2 }Hi,)0ߦ$i$Xoo$"$ hhqhhhhhcclhhhhhhh$hhhhhhhhhX :  Travel Manual INTRODUCTION This manual is intended to familiarize new and existing employees with current business travel rules and procedures for 91tvӰԺ (91tvӰԺ). This document should function as a reference guide as requests for permission to travel are submitted, travel arrangements are made, and travel reimbursements are requested. Florida Statute (F.S.) 1001.706 (6)(c) specifies that university employees are public employees for the purposes of travel and are bound by the travel requirements laid forth in F.S. 112.061. Most 91tvӰԺ travel requirements are based, either directly or indirectly, on the provisions of 112.061. Any exceptions to these requirements will be granted on a case-by-case basis. Terms used throughout this document that are explained in the definition section are capitalized. Unless otherwise specified as business days or work days, all references to days refer to calendar days. Any documentation that is required along with the electronic submission of an Expense Report is listed in table form in this document as follows: Required Back-upAny documentation that is required, such as expense receipts or other required back up, will be listed at the end of each section in a table like this. Additional paperwork, back up or signatures that may be required in special or exceptional circumstances will be described in this format also.  To obtain system access, users who initiate travel transactions for others are required to complete Travel Rules and Requirements training, offered through 91tvӰԺ Employee Learning. This training provides an in-depth review of the concepts in this manual and supporting functions. To access all available Travel resources, visit the  HYPERLINK "/business-finance/controller/payment-services/travel.aspx" Travel Webpage. Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476162" INTRODUCTION  PAGEREF _Toc396476162 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476164" I. DEFINITIONS  PAGEREF _Toc396476164 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476165" II. OVERVIEW OF PROCESS  PAGEREF _Toc396476165 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476166" Workflow Role  PAGEREF _Toc396476166 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476167" Traveler Profile  PAGEREF _Toc396476167 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476168" Travel Request  PAGEREF _Toc396476168 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476169" Booking Travel Arrangements and Reservations  PAGEREF _Toc396476169 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476170" Expense Report  PAGEREF _Toc396476170 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476171" 91tvӰԺ Procurement Card (PCard)  PAGEREF _Toc396476171 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476172" Receipt Package 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476173" Timeliness  PAGEREF _Toc396476173 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476174" Duration of Travel  PAGEREF _Toc396476174 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476175" Cancelled Travel  PAGEREF _Toc396476175 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476176" III. RULES AND PROCEDURES AND GENERAL ACCOUNTING  PAGEREF _Toc396476176 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476177" Sponsored Projects  PAGEREF _Toc396476177 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476178" Travel Expenses Shared by Travelers  PAGEREF _Toc396476178 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476179" Travel Expenses Shared by Departments  PAGEREF _Toc396476179 \h 13  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476180" Travel Expenses Not Reimbursed by 91tvӰԺ  PAGEREF _Toc396476180 \h 13  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476181" Payment of Less than Published Meal or Mileage Allowances  PAGEREF _Toc396476181 \h 13  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476182" Reimbursement of a Flat Amount  PAGEREF _Toc396476182 \h 14  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476183" Miscellaneous  PAGEREF _Toc396476183 \h 14  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476184" Job Candidates  PAGEREF _Toc396476184 \h 14  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476185" Travel Expenses paid in Addition to Consulting Fees  PAGEREF _Toc396476185 \h 14  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476186" ADA Accommodation  PAGEREF _Toc396476186 \h 15  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476188" Travel Packages  PAGEREF _Toc396476188 \h 15  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476189" Travel Stipends  PAGEREF _Toc396476189 \h 15  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476190" IV. RULES AND PROCEDURES-GENERAL EXPENSES  PAGEREF _Toc396476190 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476191" Registration  PAGEREF _Toc396476191 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476192" Transportation  PAGEREF _Toc396476192 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476193" Air  PAGEREF _Toc396476193 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476194" Mileage  PAGEREF _Toc396476194 \h 18  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476195" Car Rental  PAGEREF _Toc396476195 \h 19  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476196" State Vehicles  PAGEREF _Toc396476196 \h 20  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476197" Other Ground Transportation 20  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476198" Personal Plane  PAGEREF _Toc396476198 \h 21  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476199" Flat Per Diem  PAGEREF _Toc396476199 \h 21  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476200" Incidentals  PAGEREF _Toc396476200 \h 22  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476200" Services 23  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476201" Expenses Not Allowed  PAGEREF _Toc396476201 \h 24  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476202" V. RULES AND PROCEDURES-DOMESTIC MEALS AND LODGING  PAGEREF _Toc396476202 \h 25  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476203" Domestic Meals  PAGEREF _Toc396476203 \h 25  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476204" Domestic Lodging  PAGEREF _Toc396476204 \h 26  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476205" VI. RULES AND PROCEDURES-FOREIGN MEALS AND LODGING 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476206" Foreign Meals 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476207" Foreign Lodging 29  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc396476208" VII. CASH ADVANCE 30  I. DEFINITIONS Archivum Travel System electronic system used to submit and approve requests to travel and to submit, approve and pay Travel Expense Reports for reporting and reimbursement. Common Carrier commercial train line, bus line, or airline operating scheduled trips/flights or an established rental car firm. Complimentary term for payment method when an expense is paid for, or otherwise provided, by an organization or entity outside the University, by virtue of the travelers business activities or employment. Conference/Convention the coming together of persons with a common interest or interests for the purpose of deliberation, interchange of views, or for discussion of their common problems and interests. The term also includes similar meetings such as seminars and workshops which are large formal group meetings that are programmed and supervised to accomplish intensive research, study, discussion and work in some specific field or on a governmental problem or problems and required when there is a registration fee. A conference does not mean the coming together of state University personnel. Conference Hotel the hotel where the conference, convention, meeting or other event is held or conducted. Domestic Travel travel within the contiguous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands. Delegate an individual, designated by a traveler, able to submit Travel Requests, Cash Advances and Expense Reports into Archivum Travel on the travelers behalf. For purposes of Travel submissions, a Delegate has the same access as a traveler. Travel Coordinator assignment is the primary means for this access, Delegate assignment granted only in rare circumstances as an approved exception. Emergency Travel travel that must commence with less than twenty-four (24) hours notice to the traveler. Expense Manager the individual authorized to approve the monetary amounts requested and claimed for travel in the unit (Fiscal Approver). In the Archivum Travel System workflow, all submissions require an electronic fiscal approval. The Expense Manager can be the departmental accountable officer or accountable officer designee but must be requested, and set up, separately for travel approvals. Expense Report submission entered into the Archivum Travel System after travel occurs. The Expense Report serves the purpose of reporting all Travel Expenses as well as requesting reimbursement to travelers for out of pocket expenses. Fiscal Approver- the individual authorized to approve the monetary amounts requested and claimed for travel. This would be the Expense Manager for general unit funds, the Project Manager (Principal Investigator) for grant funds, or an assigned RO Approver for Research Initiative Accounts. Foreign Travel travel outside the contiguous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In-State Travel travel within the state of Florida, or travel from an outside state or country to the state of Florida. Map Mileage generally, city to city mileage, with the exceptions of travel from one University campus to another, or travel between some intra-county locations (See also, Vicinity Mileage, below.) Out-of-State Travel travel from within Florida to another U.S. State, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. (Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are considered Out-of-State Travel for reporting purposes.) Person of Interest a non-employee who is entered into the GEMS system for purposes of travel related or other reimbursements, or any University business purpose. Preferred Vendor a merchant that has an established contract with the state and/or University for goods or services. Preferred Vendors must be used by any Employee requiring that merchants service for travel. Principal Investigator the manager of a sponsored project. Referred to as Project Manager in the Archivum Travel System. For the purposes of travel approvals, the Principal Investigator serves as the Fiscal Approver for expenses paid from a grant. Portage assistance in carrying or transporting the traveler's luggage and/or materials. Receipt Package the collection of expense receipts and any other required documentation that is uploaded into the Archivum Travel System prior to submission of the Expense Report, for use in approvals. Travel Request the initial submission entered into the Archivum Travel System before any travel occurs. The Travel Request (TR) is the travelers permission to travel, and must be approved in the Archivum workflow by the HR Supervisor and Fiscal Approver before any Travel activities occur. The TR is an estimate of what a specific trip will cost. Traveler the following may be considered allowable University travelers when performing authorized travel: 1) Both full-time and part-time employees of the University; 2) University consultants or advisors; 3) Candidates for University executive or professional positions; 4) University students - expenses incurred by students are reimbursable if specifically authorized by fellowship, contract, grant or provide for a clear University business purpose; 5) Research study participants. Travel Coordinator an individual, designated with department wide delegate access, able to submit Travel Requests, Cash Advances and Expense Reports into Archivum Travel on behalf of all travelers in a designated department. Travel Coordinators may alternatively be given view-only access which cannot submit travel transactions. Travel Expense authorized travel expenses of travelers, limited to those expenses necessarily incurred by them in the performance of a University purpose. All Travel Expenses must be allowable within the scope of these directives and procedures. Travel Period a period of time between the time of departure and time of return. The Travel Period may include reasonable time to reach the airport from home and early arrival at airport before actual plane departure. Supervisor the travelers Supervisor as indicated in GEMS. Alternately, the individual the traveler reports to as indicated in GEMS. In the Archivum Travel System workflow, all submissions require an electronic Supervisor approval. University the 91tvӰԺ (91tvӰԺ). Vicinity Mileage generally, regional travel within a specific city, town or area. Travel between University campuses can be considered Vicinity Mileage for the purposes of required back up. Travel within a county can also be considered Vicinity Mileage for the purposes of required back up, as long as specific locations traveled are logged and provided. (e.g.: Addresses for Point A to Point B, date, number of miles.) II. OVERVIEW OF PROCESS Requests for approval to travel and travel reimbursements at 91tvӰԺ are submitted and administered through the Archivum Travel System. Once requests are submitted, they are routed through a workflow system for approval in compliance with University rules and procedures and, ultimately, reimbursement. All 91tvӰԺ employees have access to Archivum Travel. Because requests and approvals are submitted electronically, Travel Coordinators and Fiscal Approvers are required to obtain valid system access. Workflow Role All employee travelers have access to Archivum Travel to submit their own travel transactions. Those submitting transactions for others require set-up as a Travel Coordinator after completion of required training, by submitting the HYPERLINK "/business-finance/controller/documents/ucoresfast-bmaccess-092221.docx"FAST Access Request form, also available on the Travel website. Fiscal Approvers such as Reviewers, Expense Managers and RO Approvers must request set up with the appropriate assignment also by submitting the HYPERLINK "/business-finance/controller/documents/ucoresfast-bmaccess-092221.docx"FAST Access Request form. Supervisor approval assignment is based on the travelers Supervisor as indicated in 91tvӰԺ Global Employment System (GEMS), and Project Manager approval assignment is based upon the Project Manager set up in the Grants Module in FAST. Traveler Profile Traveler contact information must be entered into GEMS before a Travel Request or Expense Report can be submitted in the system. Employees are entered into the system by Human Resources at the time employment commences and no additional action is needed on the part of the traveler as relates to GEMS for purposes of the Travel system. Non-employee travelers not already in the system as Persons of Interest must be input in GEMS. The HYPERLINK "/business-finance/controller/documents/travel_non_emp_profile_82321.pdf"Non-Employee Travel Profile Request form must be submitted to the Travel Department and processed before a Travel Request can be entered. If a non-employee or Person of Interest is not a US citizen, submitters are responsible to consult with Payroll and Tax Services at  HYPERLINK "mailto:UCO_Payroll_NRAIC@usf.edu" UCO_Payroll_NRAIC@usf.edu to ensure that payment to a nonresident alien is allowable prior to form submission. Travel Request Travel on University business must be authorized in advance. With the exception of mileage only submissions as described below, 91tvӰԺ travel procedure requires that a Travel Request must be submitted in Archivum Travel and fully approved before traveling. The Travel Request is the travelers permission to travel and is an estimate of what a specific trip will cost. The Travel Request should list all anticipated Travel Expenses that are known, or can be projected, before the trip. A Travel Request in advance of any travel to a conference or convention is explicitly required per Florida Statute. For mileage-only trips (may also include mileage-related incidentals such as tolls and parking and/or fuel for use of a state vehicle) an electronic Travel Request is not required. Prior approval is still required but may be documented and filed at the department level. Please note: pursuant to Florida statute, travel to a conference or convention will require a Travel Request even if mileage is the only expense being claimed for the trip. Should authorized Emergency Travel be required of an employee that prohibits prior entry of a Travel Request into Archivum, a Post-Travel Authorization (PTA) Travel Request is required indicating the details of the travel and the circumstances that prohibited adherence to the normal Travel Request process, including evidence that the situation was out of the travelers control. The PTA Travel Request requires additional approval by the appropriate Vice President, which must be obtained and uploaded into Archivum Travel. The Post-Travel Authorization Travel Request will be required in any case where the required Travel Request was not completed prior to the travel; however, the following circumstances are not grounds for a standard exception, and college and VP areas are responsible to ensure necessary steps are taken internally to prevent recurrence. Any travel with more than 24 hours notice. Ignorance of the requirement for prior authorization. Circumstances of the delay that fall under the control of the traveler or department administrative staff. Exception requested solely because a traveler is already out of town when an additional destination is added to the itinerary. Employees are able to access Archivum from a computer or mobile device and may also engage a Travel Coordinator to assist. A required approver fails to approve the Travel Request prior to the date of travel. Approvers must arrange with the Travel Department to temporarily reassign approval authority when they are unable to perform their responsibilities. It is the Approvers responsibility to reassign approval authority by logging in to the PeopleSoft (FAST) system or by submitting the  HYPERLINK "/business-finance/controller/documents/traveltempwkfl.doc" Temporary Workflow Reassignment form available on the Travel web site. Repeated incidents of exceptions for an individual or department may be forwarded to the University Controllers Office or to the 91tvӰԺ Expenditure Policy Committee for review, and may result in delay or denial of reimbursement. Any change to the scope of an approved trip, such as adding travel days or destinations which incur additional cost, is a scope change which requires authorization by canceling the original Travel Request and submission and approval of a new Travel Request. If a traveler changes the scope of a trip after travel start date, incurring additional cost, HR supervisor and Fiscal approval on the Expense Report in Archivum system workflow is an acknowledgement of the scope change for a legitimate 91tvӰԺ business purpose. 91tvӰԺ business travel must always be approved in advance. If business travel will occur for which 91tvӰԺ will not be financially responsible in any way: For Domestic travel, an electronic Travel Request in the system is not required. Prior approval is required, but may be documented and filed at the department level. For International travel, an electronic Travel Request in the system is required for insurance purposes. The electronic Travel Request should be entered into the system and fully approved, but then must be cancelled by the travelers department after the travel is completed, since no Expense Report will be submitted. In accordance with 91tvӰԺ Policy 10-507, all student international travel must be registered with Education Abroad Office or 91tvӰԺ Health and must be authorized by 91tvӰԺ World. Comprehensive guidelines can be found at:  HYPERLINK "/world/for-global-travelers/" /world/for-global-travelers/ and 91tvӰԺ Health at  HYPERLINK "https://health.usf.edu/international/travel-processes" https://health.usf.edu/international/travel-processes . This applies to students, faculty, staff and volunteers associated with student travel. Per Florida Statute section 1010.36, any employment-related foreign travel and employment-related foreign activities engaged in by all faculty, researchers, and research department staff must be screened and pre-approved by a Research Integrity Officer (RIO). All Travel Requests to foreign locations require RIO approval after fiscal approval and will be fully approved only after the required final approval from the RIO. Required Back-upPost-Travel Authorization Travel Request approval in the case of emergency travel that prohibits submission of Travel Request prior to travel start date, for any travel where a Travel Request was not completed. If the department head wishes to set an overall dollar limit on the amount a traveler will be reimbursed for specific elective travel, the limit should be agreed to by the traveler and documented in writing before the trip at the time of the Travel Request. The signed document should be included with the Receipt Package submitted later with the Expense Report. (See Reimbursement of a Flat Amount, page 14.) Under certain conditions, if travel will last beyond thirty continuous workdays, approval must be obtained from the University President prior to Travel Request. (See Duration of Travel, page 10.) Booking Travel Arrangements and Reservations Travelers and travel arrangers may book travel using online travel booking websites, travel agencies or directly with the provider. To demonstrate compliance with Florida state statute, business justification must be provided in Archivum Travel for expenditures outside certain set thresholds. Expense Report After travel occurs, an Expense Report is submitted in Archivum Travel to report expenses and/or request traveler reimbursement. The Expense Report will list all expenses associated with the Travel, whether paid directly by the University or reimbursable to traveler. It is also recommended that any expenses paid or provided by an outside organization by virtue of the travelers business activities or employment be reported in the form of a comment on the Expense Report or memo included with the Receipt Package. Except for mileage-only Expense Reports, the Travel Request can be pulled into the Expense Report as a starting point and then modified as required before submission. 91tvӰԺ Procurement Card (PCard) Travel related PCard charges are routed to the PCard Module and reconciled on the Reconcile Statements page, the same as non-Travel PCard transactions. The Travel PCard transactions are automatically pulled into the Archivum Expense Report by entering the Travel Request number for that trip into the Appian TR tab. Travel related PCard charges may be split between travelers as necessary when reconciled in the PCard module. Receipts for travel related PCard charges are submitted in both the Expense Report Receipt Package and in the PCard statement package. Charges for PCard DSO Reimbursement are reimbursed directly through the balance sheet by the DSOs, therefore are not included on the 91tvӰԺ Expense Report or assigned an Appian TR number. Receipt Package The Receipt Package must be uploaded during the process of Expense Report submission in Archivum Travel. The required cover sheet, which is generated in Archivum for approval signature, must be signed by the traveler via either DocuSign or the Print and Sign option. If printed and signed, it must be uploaded back into Archivum Travel. The signed cover sheet and the Receipt Package are automatically conveyed to all approvers in the workflow. All receipts must document proof of payment. Required Back-upReceipt documentation for all travel expenditures, both PCard and traveler paid, and the Expense Report cover sheet, signed by the traveler, uploaded into the Receipt Package. Timeliness Expense Reports should be completed and submitted into department workflow within thirty (30) calendar days of last date of travel. Reports not submitted into department workflow more than sixty (60) calendar days after the last day of travel require a Dean or Director level approval. If Dean or Director approval is required, the signed approval should be included with the Receipt Package submitted in Archivum Travel. Expense Reports not submitted into department workflow over six (6) months from the last date of travel require signed approval by the appropriate Vice President. The signed approval must be included with the Receipt Package submitted in Archivum Travel. If the employment record with 91tvӰԺ is terminated it will require creation of a non-employee record to process an expense report. Expense Reports for mileage-only and related incidentals may be submitted on a quarterly basis. Duration of Travel Travel from a 91tvӰԺ employee travelers 91tvӰԺ headquarters to a single location for a period of over thirty continuous workdays requires the approval and signature of the President of the University. Before requesting a Travel Request in the system, the traveler should obtain approval using the HYPERLINK "http://www.usf.edu/business-finance/controller/documents/travelover30.doc"Preapproval for Travel over 30 days form. The form should ultimately be included with the Receipt Package. Required Back-upPresidents Office approval for travel to a single location for more than thirty continuous workdays.Cancelled Travel When travel plans for which expenses have already been paid must be cancelled, resulting in a net balance of travel expenses paid on PCard or to be reimbursed to the intended traveler, the expense should be recognized in the Archivum Travel System through an Expense Report. Such cancellations will require explicit approval signatures as follows: If the standing expenses (full refund/credit not possible) total $250 or less, explicit approval from the Chair or Director is required. If the standing expenses (full refund/credit not possible) total over $250, the explicit approval of the Vice President is required. Documented approval signed by the appropriate authority should be included with the Receipt Package. Approvers authorizing such fees must consider and identify the funding source, attest that the expense is reasonable and necessary, and/or use unrestricted funds if necessary. It is the responsibility of the traveler to substantiate that any cancellations are proper and necessary. If no travel took place and no net travel expenses were incurred, no Expense Report is required, and the Travel Request should be cancelled. (Please see Rules and Procedures, General Expenses, Transportation, Airfare below for comments on cancellation/change fees that are incurred during active trips that are not cancelled entirely.) Required Back-upDocumented approval with business justification and appropriate signature approving the circumstances of cancellation and payment of any standing expenses.  III. RULES AND PROCEDURES AND GENERAL ACCOUNTING The provisions of these directives apply to all authorized University travelers, including employees (full and part time), students, employment candidates, consultants or independent contractors. All travel performed at the expense of 91tvӰԺ must be for the benefit of the University and have a business purpose supporting the academic programs and support activities of the University and its various organizations. All interested parties, including travelers, Travel Coordinators, Fiscal Approvers, Supervisors, Deans and Vice Presidents are responsible for complying with these procedures in their expenditure of 91tvӰԺ funds. Departmental Approvers are responsible for review and verification of original receipts where such back up is required. Electronic approval of the Expense Report in the department workflow attests that all images of receipts are consistent with originals retained in the department. Pursuant to Florida Statute 112.061, travelers should always choose the most practical and economical means and mode of travel. Sponsored Projects Certain Grants may contain provisions that further limit the amount and type of reimbursable travel expenditures. travelers and Project Manager (Principal Investigator) should ensure any proposed travel is in accordance with the project agreement before the travel begins. Project Managers further guarantee by their approval that all conditions of the pertinent contract have been met. When the maximum amount allowable for reimbursement of travel expense under the sponsored project and the maximum amount allowed by 91tvӰԺ directive are different, the lesser of the two shall apply. If a sponsored project stipulates payment of rates less that the Universitys current allowances, an explanation should be entered into the comment field of the Expense Report page in the Travel system and a copy of the relevant grant language should be included with the Receipt Package. Travel Expenses Shared by Travelers With the exception of faculty or staff paying for student expenses under certain circumstances, travelers cannot be reimbursed for the travel expenses of fellow travelers. All travelers are expected to submit individual Expense Reports. If personnel request reimbursement for expenses paid in behalf of students, a signed memo must be provided from each student stating that said traveler paid for his or her expenses and no other expenses will be claimed by the student. Required Back-upIf traveler is requesting reimbursement for expenses paid for student travelers: Signed statement from student saying expenses were paid by X and no expenses will be personally claimed.  Travel Expenses Shared by Departments When expenses for a given trip are shared by multiple departments, only one Travel Request and Expense Report should be submitted. Traveler will enter separate accounting details for expense types to split the trip by expense and dollar amount. The chartfields entered on each expense line will determine the specific expenses that are paid by each department. If the information is being entered by a Travel Coordinator rather than the traveler, representatives from the respective units will need to collaborate before and during submission of the Travel Request and Expense Report to ensure that the Travel Coordinator enters all necessary information. Travel Expenses Not Reimbursed by 91tvӰԺ Reporting of Travel Expenses absorbed by the traveler and not being paid by 91tvӰԺ is not required, although approvers may question apparent omissions to ensure all 91tvӰԺ costs incurred are captured appropriately. However, it is the responsibility of the traveler and the travelers unit to verify that all expenses paid by 91tvӰԺ are fully reported on the Expense Report. This includes expenses paid by PCard (excluding DSO Reimbursement), Payment Request Form or Purchase Order. It is recommended that any expense that is complimentary, meaning paid or provided by a party other than the University or the traveler, as a result of the travelers relationship to or representation of 91tvӰԺ, also be reported in the form of a comment in the Travel Request and/or the Expense Report or in memo form in the Receipt Package. Payment of Less than Published Meal or Mileage Allowances Departments may not adopt Meal or Mileage reimbursement rates less than those published by state or federal agencies and prescribed by 91tvӰԺ procedure. Exceptions to this rule are as follows: Meals are provided or "comped" by a party other than 91tvӰԺ. Traveler should indicate which meals were provided and by whom. Deductions should be made per meal, according to Florida Statutory (Domestic travel) or Department of State (Foreign travel) published rates. An individual traveler chooses to waive the full reimbursement amount in favor of a lesser amount or no reimbursement. An individual may voluntarily choose to waive the full reimbursement allowance. Sponsored project travel. In the case where a grant stipulates a limit on travel reimbursements, the lesser of the sponsored project specified amount or 91tvӰԺ procedure will apply. In the case where no limit is set by the project sponsor, 91tvӰԺ procedure will apply. A Principal Investigator may not set rates for travel reimbursement at an amount less than that allowed by 91tvӰԺ procedure. Travel sponsored by Student Government. Travel sponsored by Student Government funding will be reimbursed at the rates set forth in the Student Government Statutes related to sponsored travel. Student group travel. Meals for student group travel may be purchased and reimbursed at actual cost, provided that the total cost is less than the combined meal allowance for all participants. Reimbursement of a Flat Amount If the department head wishes to set an overall dollar limit on the amount of funding a traveler will be provided for specific elective travel, the limit should be agreed to by the traveler and documented in writing at the time of the Travel Request before the trip. The signed document should be included with the Receipt Package submitted later with the Expense Report. For this type of arrangement, the total amount of expenses reported on the Travel Request and the Expense Report should equal the agreed limit. Receipts must be provided to support at least the total amount claimed. Any expenses paid by direct Payment, PCard expenses or any other expense paid in advance by 91tvӰԺ, regardless of expense type, must be recorded first on the Expense Report, followed by traveler paid expenses. Required Back-upDocument, signed and dated at the time of Travel Request, showing agreement of traveler and Department Head when total reimbursement amount is being capped.Miscellaneous Job Candidates If a department or business unit is paying Travel Expenses for an individual visiting for job interview(s), the relevant position number should be provided when the Travel Request and/or Expense Report is entered into Archivum. Travel Expenses paid in Addition to Consulting Fees When the University pays Travel Expenses incurred by independent contractors or consultants, the expenses may be paid either as part of the contractors flat service fee (all-inclusive) or the agreement may stipulate travel costs to be paid as separate reimbursable expenses. In the latter case, Travel Requests and Expense Reports will be submitted, and reimbursements paid, in the same manner as other University Travel. Non-employees incurring Travel Expenses under this circumstance are bound by all 91tvӰԺ Travel rules and procedures. Any receipt(s) showing fee payment should be included with the Receipt Package. If a company is being reimbursed, as opposed to an individual, the expenses are not entered into the Archivum Travel System. Instead, the invoice will be processed through Accounts Payable, however, travel expenses must still be itemized, all itemized receipts provided, and expenditures are subject to the requirements of Florida Statute 112.061. Required Back-upA copy of the purchase order showing payment of service fees. Itemized receipts must be submitted with each invoice for all invoices paid through Accounts Payable which include itemized travel expenses paid directly to a supplier. ADA Accommodation University employee travelers that require reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for travel arrangements should submit requests for a reasonable accommodation to Human Resources, Employee Relations, a minimum of ten (10) business days before the date of travel. The approved ADA reasonable Accommodation Request Number (ARN) must be included in all justification provided for any disability-related exception to the requirements of the university Travel Manual for university employees. For any disability-related exception for non-employee travelers, include a signed statement from the department head certifying the traveler has requested a reasonable accommodation, the individual has been determined to be a qualified individual with a disability and the request is a reasonable accommodation pursuant to ADA for that individual. The respective university department is responsible to maintain all records related to an individuals disability, to keep them confidential, to only make available to authorized persons, and to provide a reference number on all correspondence which is traceable back to the confidential records maintained in the department. Travel Packages If multiple Travel Expenses are purchased together as a package that results in a cost savings for the University, it is the responsibility of traveler or Travel Coordinator to obtain a breakdown from the merchant or to allocate a reasonable portion of the total to each expense type. Travel Stipends Travel stipends awarded to grant participants or students are not paid or requested though Archivum Travel. IV. RULES AND PROCEDURES-GENERAL EXPENSES Registration Prepayment of registration fees for conferences, conventions, formal meetings, seminars and workshops is often required or advisable. Prepayment should be via PCard. The traveler may also prepay or pay on site and request reimbursement. Registration for a virtual conference should be paid via PCard and does not require submission of a Travel Request or Expense Report. Banquets or special meal events that are offered as separate, optional functions for an additional charge are allowable expenses if they support the travelers business activities. Business purpose must be documented in the Expense Report. These meal events may be prepaid, however, expenses solely for food with no business purpose are a personal expense and cannot be paid via PCard or reimbursed. If meals are provided as part of a paid registration for an event, those items will be deducted from any daily meal allowances claimed by the traveler when the Expense Report is submitted. Meals provided, as indicated in the event agenda, cannot also be paid as part of a daily meal allowance and must be deducted regardless of whether or not the traveler participated in the meal event. (See Rules and Procedures-Domestic Meals/ Foreign Meals below.) Required Back-upA registration receipt and/or brochure showing the registration fee amount paid, method of payment and additional amenities provided must be included with the Receipt Package. A full agenda or schedule at a glance for all conferences, conventions, or formal meetings must be included with the Receipt Package. The agenda or schedule must indicate the name of the conference or convention, the dates of the event, and any meals provided as part of the registration fee.Transportation Airfare There are no preferred vendor airlines for 91tvӰԺ travel. Airfare reservations should be made using any commercial airline, in accordance with Florida Statute 112.061, which requires the most efficient and economical means of travel, considering time of the traveler, impact on the productivity of the traveler, cost of transportation, and per diem or subsistence required. If round-trip airfare exceeds $750 for North America (including Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands) and $1,500 for international flights (excluding Canada and Mexico), business justification must be provided in Archivum Travel and documented airfare comparisons from an aggregator showing the full range of fares across carriers are required to be completed at the time of booking and included in the Receipt Package. 91tvӰԺ travelers will be reimbursed for all airline fares in economy and coach, or equivalent classes. See the HYPERLINK "/business-finance/controller/documents/airline-class-guide.pdf"Airline Class Guide on the 91tvӰԺ Travel website for guidance on allowable and not allowable classes for the major domestic airlines. Business class travel is reimbursable for all segments of trips with at least one segment lasting longer than 8 hours. If the airline used charges additional fees for checking baggage, 91tvӰԺ travelers will be reimbursed for up to a maximum of two (2) bags. A receipt is required for each baggage expense claimed over $25.* Charges for more than two bags will not be paid without a valid business reason. Travelers are reminded that they are always obliged to seek out the most economical overall fare available and should be aware of additional fees that may be added to base fares on some airlines. 91tvӰԺ does not pay for cancellation or change fees for airfare unless there is a valid business reason for the change. Any additional charges for changing flight plans due to personal reasons or for the convenience of the traveler will be borne by the traveler. In order to pay or reimburse any additional expenses up to $250 that are incurred due to flight changes, explicit approval from the Chair or Director is required. For changes or cancellations costing over $250, the explicit approval of the Vice President is required. Documented approval signed by the appropriate authority should be included with the Receipt Package. Approvers authorizing such fees must consider and identify the funding source, attest that the expense is reasonable and necessary, and/or use unrestricted funds if necessary. It is the responsibility of the traveler to substantiate that any change fees are proper and necessary. If a traveler chooses a multi-destination or otherwise circuitous air route for personal reasons, or chooses to drive to a long distance destination rather than flying, the traveler will be reimbursed only the amount that round trip airfare to and from the business event would have cost. Any additional expenses incurred for personal travel should be paid out of pocket rather than prepaid on PCard. In such cases, the traveler is responsible for pulling comparable airfare--prior to the travel--showing the range of fares available if only the round trip business fare were being purchased. Required Back-upA receipt for the airfare must be included with the Receipt Package. The receipt may be a print out of the email confirmation/itinerary, and must contain all of the following information: name of traveler; dates traveled; times of flights; destination for departure and arrival; class of travel (e.g., coach or economy); and fare paid. The receipt should clearly indicate that the ticket has already been paid for. Airfare comparisons from an aggregator showing the full range of fares across carriers at time of booking must be included in the Receipt Package if the round-trip airfare exceeds $750 for North America flights and $1,500 for international flights. A receipt for any separate baggage charge over $25 must be included with the Receipt Package. Any travel expense paid on a 91tvӰԺ PCard requires a receipt, regardless of the amount. In the case of a flight change or cancellation fee, documented approval with business justification and appropriate signature approving the additional expense. If flying a different route for personal reasons, advance airfare quotes showing round trip to and from business event must be included with the Receipt Package for comparison purposes.Mileage A traveler may choose to use her or his own vehicle when it is in the best interest of the University. Travelers utilizing their personal vehicles are authorized to be reimbursed at the Florida Statutory Rate of 44.5 cents per mile. All travel connected with the official business of the University must be by the most direct and economical route available. A traveler is authorized to claim mileage to a destination (other than headquarters) in excess of their regular commute. If a traveler must travel to a destination (other than headquarters) during non-regular work days, the traveler may claim miles from residence. Under no circumstances shall a traveler be reimbursed for expenses in traveling between a traveler's home and the traveler's headquarters or regular place of employment. An approved telecommuting agreement or flexible work agreement is not a change in official headquarters for travel/commuting purposes. 91tvӰԺ departments are responsible to ensure all employee headquarter assignments other than at recognized 91tvӰԺ locations are formally approved and documentation retained. If a person travels by an indirect route for convenience or personal reasons, the extra costs must be borne by the traveler. Vicinity Mileage is requested as an expense separate from Map Mileage, and may be claimed in conjunction with Map Mileage (for instance, employee travels to destination city for multi day conference and also requires additional driving during stay for business reasons) or alone (traveler must travel from headquarters to downtown for a meeting; traveler must travel from headquarters to airport to catch flight to destination city.) Mileage from one 91tvӰԺ Campus to another can be considered Vicinity Mileage and does not require additional back up. Cost of operation, maintenance and ownership of a vehicle are the responsibility of the traveler. The University is not authorized to reimburse a traveler for repairs, fines for violations of the law, or other related costs incurred while traveling on official business of the University. The traveler is not authorized to claim a mileage allowance when transported gratuitously by another person. The University authorizes reimbursement to the traveler for the Map Mileage between cities or the cost of commercial airfare, whichever is less. Mileage reimbursement for long distance trips is limited to the amount that would have been allowed had the most economical Common Carrier been used. An exception to this rule is normally taken when the car is shared with other travelers resulting in a savings to the University on airfare, or when the cost of renting a vehicle in the city where business is conducted exceeds the mileage allowance claimed. If the traveler chooses to drive long distance rather than fly for personal reasons, comparable airfare quotes should be obtained before the travel occurs and provided as part of the Receipt Package. The lesser of the two amounts will be reimbursed. Required Back-upA record of miles must be accurately maintained and shown on the Expense Report. If more convenient, a separate log may be included with the Receipt Package showing multiple trips of recurrent mileage, as long as it is clear and auditable. Either the Expense Report or the log must show the number of miles of travel from the point of origin to the point of destination. Dates and times of departure and return must be shown for each point of travel. Print out for Map Mileage (city to city) travel must be obtained from the Florida Department of Transportation mileage chart or some other source such as MapQuest, Yahoo or Google and included with the Receipt Package. If driving long distance, advance airfare quotes for comparison purposes must be included with the Receipt Package. Car Rental University employees in need of a rental car for official business are required to use the State of Florida contract with Avis Budget Group. The Avis AWD code A113400 or the Budget BCD code T417600 must be provided at the time of reservation and pick-up and it is the responsibility of the traveler to ensure that the contract terms are applied. Avis and Budget contract rates are available for both in-state and out of state rentals. The terms of the contract are inclusive of fees and provide collision/loss damage waiver insurance and reasonable daily price points. To avoid incurring unallowable expenses, all travelers on 91tvӰԺ business should use the contracted vendors whenever possible. If an employee is forced to rent a vehicle with a vendor outside of Avis or Budget, business justification must be provided in Archivum Travel, and use of E&I Cooperative contract with Enterprise and National, code XZ42D09, is encouraged as the secondary alternative. Departments may set up direct-bill accounts to reserve and pay directly for rentals for non-employee travelers. If that is not possible, non-employees should secure a compact vehicle with the vendor offering the most economical rate. Personal insurance coverage and other types of optional charges will not be reimbursed. 91tvӰԺ allows for the rental of compact class cars. An exception to the vehicle class rule is allowed when the car is shared with other 91tvӰԺ business travelers or when transporting materials or equipment; business justification must be provided in Archivum Travel. Under no circumstances should a luxury or premium vehicle be secured. Any additional expenses associated with a car rental, incurred for personal reasons such as personal accident insurance and GPS, will not be reimbursed. Travelers should have a valid business reason for retaining a rental car for an extended period of time. For instance, a traveler who attends a conference for several days and stays at the hotel where the event is being held would not likely need to retain a car for the entire stay. The state contract with Avis Budget Group does not apply to international travel. Vehicles should be rented only from legitimate licensed, insured and regulated agencies abroad. When renting a vehicle internationally, it is recommended that coverage for accident insurance, personal insurance and roadside assistance be purchased from the rental provider in that country. Required Back-upAn itemized receipt for all rental car expenses must be included with the Receipt Package. Receipt should clearly indicate contract number, class (size) of car, and daily amount. A receipt for all fuel expenses over $25 associated with the use of a rental vehicle is required. Any travel expense paid on a 91tvӰԺ PCard requires a receipt, regardless of the amount. State Vehicles The use of a state owned vehicle is encouraged whenever possible. If a State vehicle is used, mileage may not be claimed. While most State vehicles are maintained routinely by the department or unit, fuel required for a particular trip may be reimbursed through travel. Receipts for expenses over $25 must be provided.* The license plate number of the State vehicle should be provided at the time the Travel Request and/or Expense Report is submitted. Other Ground Transportation Taxis, trains, buses, rideshare and other public transit may be used when these modes of transportation are most efficient and economical to accomplish the business purpose. Receipts are required for all ground transportation over $25 per incident.* Required Back-upA receipt is required for the following expenses and should be included with the Receipt Package: Taxi, shuttle, Uber, Lyft, etc., expenses in excess of $25 per incident (tip up to 18%). Any travel expense paid on a 91tvӰԺ PCard requires a receipt, regardless of the amount. Bus, train or other public transportation in excess of $25 per incident. Any travel expense paid on a 91tvӰԺ PCard requires a receipt, regardless of the amount. Parking or Tolls in excess of $25 per incident Personal Plane The use of personal planes for 91tvӰԺ business is not reimbursable due to increased liability and administrative cost issues. Flat Per Diem Flat Per Diem Allowances are automatically generated and calculated by the Archivum Travel System based on the following statutory parameters. Travelers, Travel Coordinators and Approvers should be familiar with these procedures insofar as they must understand when Flat Per Diem may or may not be requested and when meals should be deducted from the total daily allowances. Per Florida statute, Flat Per Diem may be claimed for any domestic or foreign travel in lieu of claiming actual lodging receipts and daily meal allowances. The $80 daily rate is intended to reimburse for both lodging and meal expenses. For figuring Flat Per Diem on the first and last days of travel, the travel day is divided into four quarters worth $20 each. The traveler should claim $20 for each quarter during which he or she is traveling. (See chart on page 22.) Flat Per Diem cannot be claimed in conjunction with any actual lodging or meal claims for the same day of a trip. IRS regulations do not currently provide for a tax-exempt meal reimbursement for one day travel not involving an overnight stay. Flat Per Diem Chart  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Incidentals Actual incidental expenses incurred while on 91tvӰԺ business will be reimbursed. Since the University reimburses actual amounts per incident for these types of expenses, incidental per diem allowances for Foreign Travel that appear on the Department of State list of allowance amounts may not be claimed. While it is strongly advised that receipts be obtained whenever possible, receipts are always required for PCard expenses and for all out of pocket incidental expenses over $25.* Travelers should use the most efficient and economical available parking. Valet parking will be reimbursed only when hotel or event location does not offer less expensive or free self-parking. Portage will be reimbursed at $1 per bag, with a maximum of $5 per incident. (A total of $10 per stay for in and out.) If official business results in additional portage (for example, a large amount of necessary materials or equipment must be transported) a justification must be provided at the time reimbursement is requested. Receipts are not required for portage. While some expenses $25 and under do not require a receipt, please see table below for items requiring receipt regardless of the amount. Services Payments for services should generally be supported by a contract and processed by Purchase Order through Purchasing and Accounts Payable. In rare circumstances travelers may be reimbursed for small amounts paid for services to individuals or entities conducting university business. In those cases, the expenditure must be documented with a receipt identifying the payee, date, dollar amount, services rendered and business purpose/justification. Due to IRS tax reporting requirements, payments to individuals should normally be limited to $200 and below. For payments made to foreign nationals for services rendered in a foreign country the appropriate IRS W-8 form should be obtained along with the receipt, and both included in the Receipt Package. Required Back-upA receipt is required for the following expenses and should be included with the Receipt Package: Supplies for events (Limit $100) Services (Limit $200) Communication expenses (phone calls, internet access, fax needed for business purposes) Photocopies needed for business purposes Passport or Visa Travelers Checks or Currency Exchange Fees Laundry expenses (when official business travel extends beyond seven days) For Foreign Incidental expenses, conversions to US dollars must be printed for each expense and included with the Receipt Package IRS W-8 form for payments for services in a foreign country Expenses Not Allowed The following list, which is not all-inclusive, represents some travel expenses that are not reimbursable through 91tvӰԺ Travel: Alcoholic beverages Cancellation charges (unless justified) Cell Phone Expenses (unless on international travel) Childcare costs Damaged, lost or stolen funds or personal property. Expenses for non-business related activities such as sightseeing or entertainment Expenses incurred by spouse or family Extra baggage charges for personal items, i.e. golf clubs or skis House Hunting trips or expenses Late check-out, early check-in or reservation guarantee fees Laundry, cleaning, pressing expenses for trips of six days or less Lodging within 50 miles of headquarters or home (unless justified, with documented preapproval) Meals included in the cost of registration Mileage from home to official 91tvӰԺ headquarters or from official 91tvӰԺ headquarters to home Moving expenses Parking expenses for individuals at 91tvӰԺ facilities Pay-for-view movies in hotel/motel room Personal insurance on rental vehicles (unless on international travel) Personal phone calls, including calls home Pet care costs Personal plane use Extraneous rental car amenities Repairs, towing service, etc. for personal vehicles Room service Fees for the use of a hotel safe, unless mandatory by the hotel Supplies associated with the business activities of a trip costing more that $100 Tips in restaurants Traffic citations, parking tickets, and other personally incurred fines Travel insurance Travel to certain foreign destinations designated terrorist states, pursuant to Florida Statute 112.061 and designated by the U.S. Department of State V. RULES AND PROCEDURES-DOMESTIC MEALS AND LODGING Meal Allowances for Domestic Travel are automatically generated and calculated by the Archivum Travel System based on the following statutory parameters. Travelers, Travel Coordinators and Approvers should be familiar with meal procedures insofar as they must understand when meals may or may not be requested and when meals should be deducted from the total daily allowances. Domestic Meals Domestic travelers will be paid meal allowances pursuant to F.S. 112.061 (6) (a-c) as follows: Breakfast $6 Lunch $11 Dinner $19 Total for day $36 Meals for first and last days of Domestic Travel are based on times of departure and return. On first and last days, travel must begin before 6am and extend past 8am to qualify for breakfast; begin before Noon and extend past 2pm to qualify for lunch; and begin before 6pm and extend past 8pm to qualify for dinner. Meals included in the cost of registration fees or otherwise paid by 91tvӰԺ must be deducted from the daily meal allowance. Meals provided, as indicated in the event agenda, can not also be paid as part of a daily meal allowance and must be deducted regardless of whether or not the traveler participated in the meal event. There is currently no meal reimbursement for one day travel not involving an overnight stay. As provided by the Florida Attorney General, continental breakfast constitutes a meal and must be deducted from the daily meal allowance if provided as part of a registration fee or otherwise paid for by 91tvӰԺ. Meals provided by an airline or hotel need not be deducted. Alcoholic beverages are not reimbursable. Room Service is not reimbursable. The department or unit may not implement standing meal allowances for Domestic Travel that deviate from the published statutory meal amounts. A traveler may voluntarily claim a lesser amount. Under no circumstances may the meal allowance claimed exceed the published state rates. Domestic Lodging There are no contracted or preferred hotels for 91tvӰԺ domestic travel. Lodging reservations should be made with any merchant in accordance with good purchasing procedures and Chapter 112.061, Florida Statutes. For domestic lodging, justification in Archivum Travel is required if the nightly cost per person (including taxes and fees) exceeds $250. If the nightly cost per person exceeds $250 and is the conference or convention location, conference hotel may be used as justification in Archivum. The conference hotel is the hotel where the conference, convention, meeting or other event activities are being conducted. If the event is held in one location and organizers suggest neighboring accommodations in official registration materials, justification will be accepted based on proximity of lodging to event, need for additional transportation and overall cost savings. Domestic lodging will be reimbursed at the single occupancy rate unless a room is shared by multiple 91tvӰԺ travelers resulting in a cost savings to the University. Departments are responsible to ensure any additional costs due to multiple travelers, for personal reasons, are not included in Expense Report submissions. Late checkout, early check-in or reservation guarantee fees that cannot be canceled will not be reimbursed unless a business reason is provided and it is in the best interest of 91tvӰԺ to do so. Lodging within 50 miles of headquarters must be preapproved by the department and a business purpose for the stay must be provided. Appropriate business purposes include cases where the traveler is hosting/working at the conference rather than simply participating as a paying attendee and cases where late night events include professional activities. Room Service is not reimbursable. For the current fiscal year, the Florida Legislature has mandated that lodging paid with state funding may not exceed $225 per night for university employees for events (meetings, conferences or conventions) sponsored or organized in whole or in part by the 91tvӰԺ. State funds include all E&G funds and state sponsored grants. Amounts exceeding $225 per night may be paid through an alternative funding source. Required Back-upAn itemized lodging receipt showing zero balance due must be included with the Receipt Package submitted in Archivum Travel. If a department purchases a block of rooms to accommodate a large group, the PO may be provided but must include itemized documentation of travelers name and nightly room cost.  VI. RULES AND PROCEDURES-FOREIGN MEALS AND LODGING Meal Allowances and maximum Lodging rates for Foreign Travel are automatically generated and calculated by the Archivum Travel System based on the following federal parameters. Travelers, Travel Coordinators and Approvers should be familiar with these procedures insofar as they must understand when meals and lodging may or may not be requested and when meals should be deducted from the total daily allowances. Foreign Meals Meals for all days of Foreign Travel will be reimbursed at the published Department of State rate for the destination area. The allowance for incidentals that is listed with the published Department of State rates should be excluded to arrive at the meal allowance. Since 91tvӰԺ reimburses actual amounts per incident for these types of expenses pursuant to F.S. 112.061, incidental per diem allowances for Foreign Travel that appear with the federal published rates may not be claimed. (See details above, under Incidentals.) Meals for first and last days of Foreign Travel are based on times of departure and return. On first and last days, travel must begin before 6am and extend past 8am to qualify for breakfast; begin before Noon and extend past 2pm to qualify for lunch; and begin before 6pm and extend past 8pm to qualify for dinner. Foreign meal rates are paid from the time the traveler begins the trip until his or her return, unless the itinerary involves an overnight stay in another US location before arriving in or after leaving the foreign location. Meals included in the cost of registration fees or otherwise paid by 91tvӰԺ must be deducted from the daily meal allowance. Meals provided, as indicated in the event agenda, can not also be paid as part of a daily meal allowance and must be deducted regardless of whether the traveler participated in the meal event or not. Continental breakfast is a meal and must be deducted from reimbursable meals if provided as part of a registration fee or otherwise paid for by 91tvӰԺ. Breakfast provided by an airline or hotel need not be deducted. The department or unit may not implement standing meal allowances for Foreign Travel that deviate from the published federal meal amounts. A traveler may voluntarily claim a lesser amount. Under no circumstances may the meal allowance claimed exceed the published federal rates.  Foreign Lodging There are no contracted or preferred hotels for 91tvӰԺ Foreign travel. Lodging reservations should be made with any merchant in accordance with good purchasing procedures and Chapter 112.061, Florida Statutes. Maximum allowable foreign lodging rates are determined by the U.S. Department of State, Foreign Per Diem Rates, Maximum Lodging Rate, for the particular city or region. The link to the U.S. Department of State web site is available on the 91tvӰԺ Travel web site or at: HYPERLINK "https://aoprals.state.gov/web920/per_diem.asp"https://aoprals.state.gov/web920/per_diem.asp . If unique circumstances require that the nightly rate exceed the published U.S. Department of State rate, justification is required in Archivum Travel. Foreign lodging will be reimbursed at the single occupancy rate unless a room is shared by multiple 91tvӰԺ travelers resulting in a cost savings to the University. Departments are responsible to ensure any additional costs due to multiple travelers, for personal reasons, are not included in Expense Report submissions. Late checkout, early check-in or reservation guarantee fees that cannot be canceled will not be reimbursed unless a business reason is provided and it is in the best interest of 91tvӰԺ to do so. Room Service is not reimbursable. Required Back-upAn itemized lodging receipt showing zero balance due must be included with the Receipt Package submitted in Archivum Travel. Conversions to US dollars must be printed for each expense and included with the Receipt Package. VII. CASH ADVANCE Travelers are encouraged to obtain a 91tvӰԺ PCard to avoid the need for Cash Advances. For information on 91tvӰԺ's PCard program, please go to the HYPERLINK "http://www.usf.edu/business-finance/purchasing/staff-procedures/usf-pcard/index.aspx"91tvӰԺ Procurement Card Program  website. In some circumstances a Cash Advance for 91tvӰԺ Travel Expenses may be requested. If a traveler falls into one of the categories below, a Cash Advance may be requested after the Travel Request is submitted and fully approved in Archivum Travel. Cash Advances are issued only in the following situations: Travel destination is to a remote area where credit cards are not accepted. Travel is performed for an extended length of time (30 days or more). The traveler has been denied a credit card. The traveler is a student. The traveler is incurring expenses for students accompanying traveler on the trip. In these cases the University will authorize payment of up to 100% of estimated out of pocket expenses (meals, incidentals, etc.) on an approved Travel Request. A Cash Advance will be issued no more than seven (7) business days before the start of travel. Only University employees and students are eligible to receive an advance unless a grant specifically states otherwise. Cash Advance procedures provide for the following: Advances will not be issued for less than $250 unless the traveler is a student. The traveler shall not have more than one advance at a time. The advance must be settled no more than ten (10) business days from the travel end date. Any money advanced to traveler in excess of actual expenses must be repaid to the university within this timeframe using the HYPERLINK "http://www.usf.edu/business-finance/controller/documents/travelcashadvanceexcessfunds.docx"Cash Advance Excess Funds Repayment Form. Excess funds should be paid to account 12410 and a screen image from Finance Mart showing the journal posting for the deposit must be included in the expense report Receipt Package. If excess funds have not been remitted to 91tvӰԺ within 10 days and expense report is not received by Travel within 60 days of returning from a trip, set-off procedures may be implemented as stated below. In order to receive a Cash Advance, a traveler must preauthorize the University to deduct the amount from wages if they do not settle their advance within the defined timeframe after return to the official headquarters. If payroll offset occurs, the traveler may make payment arrangements for a payroll deduction until the Cash Advance is settled. If a Cash Advance results in payroll offset, then the traveler will not qualify for future advances. Required Back-upSigned form from Cash Advance page in Archivum Travel System, which includes agreement to payroll offset, along with documentation for repayment of any unused funds * Departments have the prerogative to require receipts for any expense, regardless of the amount. As a condition of 91tvӰԺ PCard issuance and use, any travel expense placed on a 91tvӰԺ PCard will require a receipt, regardless of amount. * Departments have the prerogative to require receipts for any expense, regardless of the amount. As a condition of 91tvӰԺ PCard issuance and use, any travel expense placed on a 91tvӰԺ PCard will require a receipt, regardless of amount. * Departments have the prerogative to require receipts for any expense, regardless of the amount. As a condition of 91tvӰԺ PCard issuance and use, any travel expense placed on a 91tvӰԺ PCard will require a receipt, regardless of amount.     Travel Manual / Last revised July 2023  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 4th Quarter 3rd Quarter 1:00 a.m. Noon 2:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. 5:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Midnight FOREIGN MEALS AND LODGING ALLOWANCES __________________________________________________________________________________LOCALITYMAXIMUM LODGING AMOUNT (A) +M&IE RATE (B) =MAXIMUM PER DIEM RATE (C)EFFECTIVE DATE__________________________________________________________________________________ AFGHANISTAN _2/_19Kabul 2,19025254-1-06Other015158-1-03ALBANIATirana168752435-1-06Other81251064-1-92 ALGERIA __2/Algiers 21849728110-1-06Other174812551-1-06 In the HYPERLINK "https://aoprals.state.gov/web920/per_diem.asp"Department of State table as shown above, Column A provides the lodging rate for the area. Column B is the total daily meal allowance plus an incidental allowance. The incidental allowance must be deducted as described below. M&IE Rate ($) HYPERLINK "http://www.gsa.gov/Portal/gsa/ep/channelView.do?pageTypeId=8199&channelId=-16524&specialContentType=FTR&file=FTR/Chapter301pAppB.html" \l "wp1181601#wp1181601" 1 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Incidentals 1 $0 $0 $0 $1 2 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 75 11 19 30 15 The table in HYPERLINK "https://aoprals.state.gov/content.asp?content_id=114&menu_id=81"Appendix B to Chapter 301 provides a breakdown for each M&IE allowance found in the Department of State list above. Scroll down to find the M&IE rate from Column B to get the breakdown for breakfast, lunch, dinner and incidentals. The incidentals amount should not be claimed. Example: The published lodging allowance for Tirana, Albania is $168. The published daily M&IE rate is $75. The daily meal allowance is $11 for breakfast, $19 for lunch and $30 for dinner, for a total maximum allowance of $60 for daily meals. The incidental amount of $15 should be disregarded.  -.:;E\]f    L ȿ滮|unnu hlhz\j hlhx hlh^! hlh1 hlh+ hlh(% hlhU hlhPDhlhPD5hlh)QOJQJ^JhshW5CJ8aJ8h 5CJ8aJ8h+gh 5CJ8aJ8h}{i5CJ,aJ,h+g5CJ,aJ, jhHh*UmHnHu*-.w x y gd'gdpgdp$a$gd+g$a$gdV($a$gd2C%gd* $1$a$gd*L M g h w x y    R S T   P Q R c d  / 2 B f 򺳳ݞhlh@L6hlh@L5 hlh' hlh@L hlhGe hlhZ[\]ehɻuiSɻ*j:hlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh+/mHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHuh:CmHnHu)j:hlh+/UmHnHu#jhlh+/UmHnHuhlh+/mHnHuhlh+/0JmHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHu*j9hlh+/0JUmHnHu   &'غvhhhhhSغ)j<hlh+/UmHnHuhlh+/mHnHu*j;hlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh+/mHnHuhlh+/0JmHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHuh:CmHnHu#jhlh+/UmHnHu)j;hlh+/UmHnHu'()89:TUVXYZ[\]ehyz{|ɻuiiiSɻ*j=hlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh+/mHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHuh:CmHnHu)j =hlh+/UmHnHu#jhlh+/UmHnHuhlh+/mHnHuhlh+/0JmHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHu*j<hlh+/0JUmHnHu 9:غvhhhhSغ)j>hlh+/UmHnHuhlh+/mHnHu*j>hlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh+/mHnHuhlh+/0JmHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHuh:CmHnHu#jhlh+/UmHnHu)j>hlh+/UmHnHu[kO0"PpO$a$gdi$a$gds $ gdwe $ ! $ " $ :;<HIJdefhijklmɻuiSɻ>)j@hlh+/UmHnHu*jt@hlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh+/mHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHuh:CmHnHu)j?hlh+/UmHnHu#jhlh+/UmHnHuhlh+/mHnHuhlh+/0JmHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHu*jz?hlh+/0JUmHnHu "#$%,ϻϭϭ}}}}hϻϭRϭ*jhBhlh+/0JUmHnHu)jAhlh+/UmHnHuhlh+/mHnHu*jnAhlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh+/mHnHuhlh+/0JmHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHuh:CmHnHu#jhlh+/UmHnHu ,-.HIJLMNOPQehmnopz{|୙i[F)jChlh+/UmHnHuhlhL0JmHnHu*jbChlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh+/mHnHuhlh+/0JmHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHuh:CmHnHu)jBhlh+/UmHnHu#jhlh+/UmHnHuhlh+/mHnHu  +,ʾʨʚshʾRʚ*jVEhlh+/0JUmHnHuh:CmHnHu)jDhlh+/UmHnHu#jhlh+/UmHnHuhlh+/mHnHu*j\Dhlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh+/mHnHuhlh+/0JmHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHu,./012NOPQ_`aeh{|}߽߽{f{[{߽h:CmHnHu)jPFhlh+/UmHnHu#jhlh+/UmHnHuhlh+/mHnHu*jEhlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh+/mHnHuhlh+/0JmHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHuhlhimHnHu ɻuiiiSɻ*jGhlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh+/mHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHuh:CmHnHu)jJGhlh+/UmHnHu#jhlh+/UmHnHuhlh+/mHnHuhlh+/0JmHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHu*jFhlh+/0JUmHnHu !"#$@ABCJKNOPQغycU97hlhwe0J>*B*CJOJQJaJmHnHphuhlhwemHnHu*jHhlhwe0JUmHnHuhlhwemHnHuhlhwe0JmHnHu$jhlhwe0JUmHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHuh:CmHnHu#jhlh+/UmHnHu)jDHhlh+/UmHnHuQRehnopq ϼ񮜮|hR񮜮*j8Jhlh+/0JUmHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHuh:CmHnHu)jIhlh+/UmHnHu#jhlh+/UmHnHuhlh+/mHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHu*j>Ihlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh+/mHnHuhlh+/0JmHnHu  <=>?MNOehijkmnopqrغvhhhhSغ)jKhlh+/UmHnHuhlh+/mHnHu*j2Khlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh+/mHnHuhlh+/0JmHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHuh:CmHnHu#jhlh+/UmHnHu)jJhlh+/UmHnHu ɻuiSɻEhlh[[mHnHu*j&Mhlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh+/mHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHuh:CmHnHu)jLhlh+/UmHnHu#jhlh+/UmHnHuhlh+/mHnHuhlh+/0JmHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHu*j,Lhlh+/0JUmHnHu:;<=JKMNOPQehmnop˿˩˛˿w˛˿a˛*jNhlh+/0JUmHnHu*j Nhlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh[[mHnHuhlh+/mHnHu*jMhlh+/0JUmHnHuhlh+/mHnHuhlh+/0JmHnHu'hlh+/CJOJQJaJmHnHu$jhlh+/0JUmHnHu& ;^akl{|}ƹ}r}}ggg}g}rghlh2?B*phhlhhuB*phhlhB*phhlh~W\B*phhlh~W\0JB*phhlh]LB*phhlh]L5B*\phhlh)QOJQJ^JhlhdOJQJ^J'hlhi5CJKHOJQJ^JaJ0jhlhCJKHOJQJU\^JaJ%| (## $%&'()**`+7,,-. //51 3 dd[$\$gdtt dd[$\$gdKGgdC dd[$\$gdO1 dd[$\$gd]L      ! - . 0 A H I [ ^ a ! !^!a!!!!" 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