Faculty & Staff

Albert Kim

Associate Professor

Office: ISA 7031D


Albert Kim


  • Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2015 – Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
  • M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2011 – Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
  • B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2008 – Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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Research Areas

Biomedical applications of MEMS (BioMEMS) and nanotechnology including a variety of devices and microsystems to address important clinical problems, collaborating closely with physicians in order to transfer the technology to the clinic. 


  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE)
  • Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
  • Sigma Xi
  • Materials Research Society (MRS)
  • Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA)

Courses Taught

BME 6931: Fundamental and BioMEMS

Resesarch Grants

  • NSF, ”Collaborative Research: Microneedle-mediated Adaptive Phototherapy (MAP) for Wound Healing,” ($250,000) (ECCS-2245092) PI: Albert Kim Award Period: Sept. 2021 - Aug. 2024
  • NSF, ”CNS Core: Small: Reconfigurable Intrabody Network for Therapeutics,”
  • ($500,000) (CNS-2245088) PI: Albert Kim / Co-PI: Krishina Kant Award Period: Oct. 2021 - Sept. 2024
  • NSF, ”CAREER: Acousto-Bioelectronics,” ($500,000) (ECCS-2245090) Sole-PI: Albert Kim Award Period: May 2022 - June 2027
  • NSF, ”Collaborative Research: Smart Dental Implant System for Ambulatory Dental Care,” ($250,000) (ECCS-2300985) PI: Albert Kim Award Period: Oct. 2022 - Sept. 2025
  • NIH, ”R21: Bacterial Adhesion Inhibition and Biofilm Disruption by Adaptive Piezo-
  • electric Biomaterial,” ($440,693) (1R21DE032162) PI: Geelsu Hwang / Co-I: Albert Kim Award Period: April 2023 - March 2025
  • NSF, ”Collaborative Research: Novel Hybrid Metal-Piezoelectric Biomaterials for Anti-infectious Implantable Medical Devices,” ($200,000) (ECCS-2300985) PI: Albert Kim
  • Award Period: September 2023 - August 2026
  • NIH, ”R01: Translational Multimodal Strategy for Peri-Implant Disease Prevention,” ($2,611,802) (1R011DE032343) MPI: Geelsu Hwang, Albert Kim, Thomas Schear Award Period: July 2023 - June 2028
  • 91tvӰԺ, ”Next-generation Cisplatin Synthesis Microdevice for In-Situ Regional Chemotherapy,” ($25,000) PI: Albert Kim Award Period: May 2023 - April 2024

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Honors and Awards

  • BME Professor of the Year BMES 91tvӰԺ Chapter 2022-23
  • 91tvӰԺ Faculty International Travel Grant (FITG) 91tvӰԺ 2023
  • NSF CAREER Award NSF 2022
  • Merit Awards Temple University 2018-22
  • OA Publication Award Temple University 2019
  • 2019 Blavatnik award for Young Scientists Finalist Temple University 2018
  • Moore Inventor Fellow Finalist Moore Foundation 2018
  • Intel Divisional Recognition Award (Q3 2017) Intel Corp. 2017
  • Life of A Faculty Entrepreneur Purdue University 2014
  • Eaton & Vashti Magoon Award for Excellence in Teaching Purdue University 2013
  • Boeing Engineering Scholarship Boeing company 2007
  • Academic Honors Purdue University 2007-08

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Recent Publications

S. Selvarajan, H. Shim, E. Byun, A. Kim*, S. H. Song*, “Protein Redox by Piezoelectric

Acousto-Nanodevice,” Nanoscale, 2023, In Press (*Co-senior authors)

S. Islam, E. Oh, C. Jun, JK Kim, W. S. Chang, S. H. Song, and A. Kim, “Omni-

directional Ultrasonic Powering via Platonic Solid Receiver for mm-Scale Implantable

Devices,” ACS Material Letters, vol. 5, pp. 1876-1885, 2023

S. Islam, R. C. Huggins, A. N. A. E. Almeseri, M. Domic, B. D. Polizzotti, and A. Kim,

“Totally Implantable Oxygen Generator for Hypoxia and Hypoxemia,” IEEE Transaction

on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 70, no. 4, 2023, Featured article & Cover page

SI. Choi, A. Kim, CH Won, “Tissue Viscoelasticity Quantification using Smartphone

Tactile Imaging PRoe with an Indenter and Viscoelastic Pitting Recovery Model,” IEEE

Sensor Journal, vol. 22, no. 15, pp. 15365-15372, 2022

J. Y. Tan, Y. Li, F. C. Aabila, T. P. Prakash, B. Natarajan, R. A. Sheth, W. M. Park,

A. Kim, D. Yoong, JK. Kim*, “Experimental Validation of Diffraction Lithography for

Fabrication of Solid Microneedles,” Materials, vol. 15, no. 24, pp. 8934, 2022

STR Gidde, S. Islam, A. Kim, P. Hutapea, “Experimental study of mosquito-inspired

needle to minimize insertion force and tissue deformation,” Proceedings of the Insitution

of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2022

A. Dhall, J. Y. Tan, M. Oh, S. Islam, JK. Kim*, A. Kim*, and G. Hwang* “A Dental

Implant-on-a-Chip for 3D Modeling of Host-Matieral-Pathogen Interaction and Therapeutic Testing Platform,” Lab-on-a-Chip, vol. 22, no. 24, pp. 4905-4916, 2022 (*Co-seniorauthors)

S. Islam, R. Gulati, M. Domic, A. Pal, K. Kant, and A. Kim, “Performance Evalua-

tion of Magnetic Resonance Coupling Method for Intra-Body Network (IBNet),” IEEE

Transaction on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 69, no. 6, 2022

D. Atul, S. Islam, M. Park, Y. Zhang, A. Kim*, and G. Hwang*, “A Bimodal Nanocom-

posite Platform with Antibiofilm and Self-Powering Functionalities for Biomedical Appli-cations,” Applied Materials & Interface, vol. 13, no. 34, 2021 (*Co-senior author)

Q. Dong, X. Song, J. Chen, A. Kim, and H. Liu, “A Bio-Inspired Optical Directional

Microphone with Cavity-Coupled Diaphragms,” JASA Express Letter, vol. 1, no. 072802,2021

J. Y. Tan, A. Kim, and J. Kim, “Modeling, Characterization, and Fabrication of Bell-tip

Microneedle Array by Diffraction and Self-Aligned Lens Effects,” Applied Physics Letter, vol. 119, no. 023501, 2021

R. Campbell, H. Shim, J. Choi, M. Park, E. Byun, S. Islam, S. H. Song, A. Kim, “Im-

plantable Cisplatin Synthesis Microdevice for Regional Chemotherapy,” Advanced Health-care Materials, vol. 10, no. 3, pp.2001582, 2021

J. Nam, E. Byun, H. Shim, E. Kim, S. Islam, M. Park, A. Kim*, and S. H. Song*,

“A Hydrogel-based Ultrasonic Backscattering Wireless Biochemical Sensing ,” Frontiers

in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, section Nanobiotechnology, vol. 8, pp. 1362, 2020

(*Co-senior author)

M. Park, S. Islam, H. E. Kim, J. Korostoff, M. B. Blatz, G. Hwang, A. Kim, “Human Oral

Motion-Powered Smart Dental Implant (SDI) for In Situ Ambulatory Photobiomodulation Therapy,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, pp.2000658, 2020

S. Islam, X. Song, E. T. Choi, J. Kim, H. Liu, A. Kim, “In Vitro Study on Smart Stent for Autonomous Post-Endovascular Aneurysm Repair Surveillance,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp.96340-6, 2020

S. Islam, S. Gidde, P. Hutapea, S. H. Song, J. Picone, A. Kim, “Machine Learning Enabled Wireless Intracranial Brain Deformation Sensing System for Traumatic Brain Injury,” IEEE Transaction in Biomedical Engineering, 2020

S. Selvarajan, A. Kim*, S. H. Song*, “Biodegradable Piezoelectric Transducer for Powering Transient Implants,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 68219-68225, 2020 (*Co-senior authors)

H. E. Kim, S. Islam, M. C. Park, A. Kim*, G. Hwang*, “A Comprehensive Analysis of Near-Contact In Situ Photobiomodulation Therapy in the Host-Bacteria Interaction Model,” Advanced Biosystem, vol. 4, no. 3, pp1900227, 2020 (*Co-senior authors)

C.R. Powell, A. Kim, J. Roth, J. Byrd, K. Mohammad, M. Allosh, B. Ziaie, R. Vittal, M. Surek, "Detrusor udneractivity is associated with oxidative stress detrusor fibrosis in metabolic syndrome," Neurology and Urodynamics, vol. 39, pp. S41-41, 2020

A. Kim*, S. K. Lee, T. Parupudi, R. Rahimi, S. H. Song, M. C. Park, S. Islam, J. Zhou, A. K. Majumdar, J. S. Park, J. M. Yoo, B. Ziaie*, “An Ultrasonically-Powered Implantable Microprobe for Electrolytic Ablation,” Nature Scientific Reports, vol. 10, no 1, pp1-9, 2020 (*Co-senior authors)

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