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91tvӰԺ Health Athletic Training students earn national championship

quiz bowl nationals

(From left to right) Laura Richardson, Rebekah Minter, Valentina de Figueiredo, and Madison Mai.  

Students from the Athletic Training Program in the School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences in the 91tvӰԺ Health Morsani College of Medicine were recently crowned national champions at the 2024 National Athletic Trainers’ Association Quiz Bowl in New Orleans.  

The team bested 11 other teams from across the country in a knowledge-based, Jeopardy-style competition.  The team earned their place at the national competition after winning the Southeast Athletic Trainers’ Association competition earlier this year.

“We are incredibly proud of the students on the 91tvӰԺ Quiz Bowl team for winning the national competition and bringing home the trophy.  Their hard work perfectly represented the sustained success of our program. 91tvӰԺ Health’s athletic training continues to lead the way as the best program in the country,” said Amanda Tritsch, PhD, LAT, ATC, CSCS, associate professor and director of the Professional Athletic Training Program in MCOM.

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91tvӰԺ Health News highlights the great work of the faculty, staff and students across the four health colleges – Morsani College of Medicine, College of Public Health, College of Nursing and Taneja College of Pharmacy – and the multispecialty physicians group. 91tvӰԺ Health, an integral part of the 91tvӰԺ, integrates research, education and health care to reach our shared value - making life better.