


91tvӰԺ Faculty Experts Available to Discuss Key Election Issues

With the 2018 midterm elections drawing near, the 91tvӰԺ offers a variety of faculty experts to discuss key issues relevant to the state of Florida and the Tampa Bay area. Listed below are some of our experts by topic, along with their focus areas. Members of the media are encouraged to contact these faculty members directly, and they will try to accommodate interview requests within their schedules. If there is interest in a topic not listed, or you are having any trouble reaching one of the experts listed, please contact 91tvӰԺ media relations for assistance: Althea Paul - altheapaul@usf.edu, 813-974-1665.

In addition, 91tvӰԺ’s Online Experts Guide is a great resource to quickly locate faculty members by keywords, expertise or college. This helpful online tool can be found at .


Sri Sridharan
Director – Cyber Florida at the 91tvӰԺ (formerly known as the Florida Center for Cybersecurity)

Areas of expertise:

  • Cybersecurity
  • Cybercrime
  • Identity Theft
  • Credit Card Skimming
  • Consumer Protection
  • Cyber Incident Response Plans
  • Securing Critical Network Infrastructure

Phone: 813.974.8988, Email: sris@usf.edu

Sri Sardihan


Bradley Kamp
Associate Professor & Chair – Department of Economics (College of Arts & Sciences)

Areas of expertise:

  • General Economics
  • Tampa Bay Economy
  • Energy Markets

Phone: 813.974.6549, Email: bkamp@usf.edu

Bradley Kamp

R. Christopher Jones
Instructor - Department of Economics (College of Arts & Sciences)

Areas of Expertise:

  • General Economics
  • Fiscal Policy
  • Affordable Housing Policy

Phone: 813.974.0479, Email: rcjones3@usf.edu

R. Christopher Jones


Zorka Karanxha
Associate Professor (College of Education)

Areas of expertise:

  • Educational Leadership
  • Leadership Preparation
  • Policy Issues in Education
  • Education Law and School Choice
  • Charter Schools

Phone: 813.974.6040, Email: karanxha@usf.edu

Zorka Karanxha

William Black
Associate Professor (College of Education)

Areas of expertise:

  • Educational Leadership Preparation
  • Policy Implementation and Leadership
  • Educational Administration

Phone: 813.974.6097, Email: wrblack@usf.edu

William Black


Robert H. Weisberg
Distinguished University Professor - Physical Oceanography (College of Marine Science)

Areas of expertise:

  • Red tide
  • Physical Oceanography
  • Continental Shelf and Estuary Circulation
  • Marine Observations and Modeling
  • Hurricane Storm Surge and Waves Algae Blooms, Fish
  • Recruitment and Location
  • Forensic Studies

Phone: 727.553.1568, Email: weisberg@usf.edu

Robert H. Weisberg

Steve Murawski
Population Dynamics/Marine Ecosystem Analysis Professor (College of Marine Science)

Areas of expertise:

  • Red tide
  • Fisheries Biology
  • Marine Ecology
  • Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
  • Oil Spill Impacts

Phone: 727.553.3367, Email: smurawski@usf.edu

Steve Murawski


Karen Liller
Community & Family Health Professor (College of Public Health)

Areas of expertise:

  • Children and Adolescent Injury Prevention
  • Health Education Program Planning
  • Health Education Program Evaluation

Phone: 813.974.7047, Email: kliller@health.usf.edu

Karen Liller


Jay Wolfson
Distinguished Service Professor
Public Health, Medicine and Pharmacy
Senior Associate Dean, Morsani College of Medicine
Associate Vice President 91tvӰԺ Health

Areas of expertise:

  • Affordable Care Act
  • Medicare
  • Health Policy
  • Health Economics

Phone: 813.974.6643, Email: jwolfson@health.usf.edu

Jay Wolfson

Sarah J. Steinhardt
Assistant Professor, Pharmacotherapeutics & Clinical Research
(College of Pharmacy)

Areas of expertise:

  • Prescription Drugs – education, research or practice related
  • Opioids Policy
  • Pain Management Guidelines

Phone: 813.974.0980, Email: ssteinha@health.usf.edu

Sarah J. Steinhardt


Susan MacManus
Distinguished Professor Emerita – Department of Government and International Affairs (College of Arts & Sciences)

Areas of expertise:

  • Florida Politics
  • Elections
  • Political Polling and Surveys
  • General Political Issues

Phone: 813.503.0561, Email: MacManus@usf.edu

Susan MacManus

Joshua Scacco
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication (College of Arts & Sciences)

Areas of expertise:

  • Political Communication
  • Political Campaigns
  • Presidential Communication
  • News Media Coverage
  • General Political Issues

Phone: 813.974.2145, Email: jscacco@usf.edu

Joshua Scacco


Robert Bertini
Director - 91tvӰԺ’s Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)

Areas of expertise:

  • Tampa Bay Transportation
  • Big Data in Transportation
  • Sustainable Transportation
  • Multimodal Transportation
  • Transportation Planning and Policy
  • Connected and Automated Vehicles

Phone: 813.974.9797 Email: rbertini@usf.edu

Robert Bertini

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