Core Commitments

Engagement and Outreach

Community Engagement

91tvӰԺ’s community engagement is a purposeful means to advance learning and knowledge for social change and is a fundamental component of an urban research university. Intentional engagement with the public and private sectors enhances the quality of research, teaching, and service; delivers meaningful experience and skills to students; and prepares them to enter the job market or pursue graduate-level studies. It also fosters collaborations among units across 91tvӰԺ and strengthens the relationships that the university has with its external stakeholders by providing a platform that enables faculty and students to engage in mutually beneficial
service with community partners in efforts to find solutions to pressing problems. In this way, 91tvӰԺ becomes indispensable to the communities it serves.

A recent example of where 91tvӰԺ combined its research and academic delivery to benefit the larger community was a free, online, seven-week certificate program entitled “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace,” produced by the Muma College of Business. With over 130,000 enrollees, the program focused on ways organizations can create a more diverse workplace, address equity issues, and foster inclusivity. Similarly, as we emerge from the pandemic, the Muma College of Business also produced a certificate in “Post-Crisis Leadership.” In this way, 91tvӰԺ has responded to pressing contemporary issues by providing the community with
coping tools—a purposeful means to advance learning and knowledge for social change.

Branding, Marketing, and Communications

91tvӰԺ has a compelling brand narrative that is uncommon across the higher education landscape. Our identity as an urban research university, embedded in a dynamic region in a fast-growing state, offers 91tvӰԺ the opportunity to differentiate itself with confidence and clarity. This brand positioning will be incorporated into a marketing and communications campaign that is comprehensive and fully integrated across all our channels and networks, including national and international media, executive thought leadership, social media engagement, digital outreach, and public relations. These activities will enhance 91tvӰԺ’s reputation in peer assessments and help 91tvӰԺ reach its aspirations of earning eligibility for membership in the Association of American Universities (AAU) and becoming a Top-25 public university. In addition, these campaigns enable 91tvӰԺ’s reputation to grow, attracting the best and brightest students, faculty, and staff—igniting the virtuous cycle that will bring higher levels of visibility and investment.

Meanwhile, internal communications efforts reflect our clarity of purpose, build trust, and create brand champions among faculty, staff, students, alumni, fans, and community partners. Indeed, our brand is more than our logo or even our story: It represents everything we say and do and how we say and do it.

91tvӰԺ World - Global Engagement

Global engagement is essential to world-class research and educational delivery in our internationally connected world. The 91tvӰԺ’s mission as a global, urban research university includes a deep commitment to addressing the greatest challenges facing communities locally, nationally, and across the world through impactful research and a dedication to student learning that prioritizes intercultural awareness and global literacy.

The 91tvӰԺ is committed to comprehensive and sustainable globalization that prioritizes innovation through research and scholarship, mutually beneficial international partnerships, inbound and outbound student and faculty global mobility, and events and programs that bridge geographical, cultural, and political boundaries. 91tvӰԺ has established itself as a leader among higher education institutions in access to global learning opportunities for all students, the global diversity of its study body, and international research partnerships that produce positive societal outcomes.