91tvӰԺ Global Spotlight

Brittany Perry

Brittany Perry

Brittany Perry, 91tvӰԺ Class of 2019

August 6, 2019

Facing a long and tedious Fulbright grant award application never stopped Brittany Perry from striving for such a prestigious and nationally recognized award.

Perry attended Fulbright Day on 91tvӰԺ’s campus and knew that between her graduate exams and medical school applications, the process ahead of her would be difficult. Despite this, it was important and meaningful for her to take on the challenge.

“After the loss of several loved ones, I realized life is short and that some opportunities may only come once and are worth the hard work,” Perry said.

That hard work paid off. Perry was awarded a Fulbright grant to Finland earlier this year.

“I am elated, honored and humbled to receive this grant,” she said. “The finalist announcement came during final exams in the spring - I left the library to call my family, then went right back to studying and waited until after exams to celebrate.”

Perry is set to graduate from 91tvӰԺ with a Masters in Medical Science (MSP3 program) later this summer. She will then travel to Finland where she will conduct research and study potential trends of a ground-breaking meta-study of the global impact of the country’s ‘baby boxes,’ a care package offered to all Finnish families as part of the social health and welfare system.

After completing her research grant in Finland, Perry plans to pursue a career in pediatric medicine. She credits her passion for children and medicine to her volunteer experiences in clinics, hospitals, camps and schools, as well as, wanting to help others find wholeness, especially at their lowest.