
Essential Personnel Training

Per , all Essential Personnel are required to take training. Training requirements are different for those that supervise other essential personnel and those who are non-supervisors. The training requirements for each category are outlined below.

All designated Essential Personnel must submit an acknowledgement form signed by their department head prior to taking training. Guidelines can be found on the Essential Personnel Program page.

Essential Personnel Supervisors

Any designated essential employee that will be supervising other essential employees in a declared emergency must complete Essential Personnel Supervisor training requirements. 

Training Requirements:

  1. IS-100: Introduction to the Incident Command System
  2. Essential Personnel Supervisor Training
    • Once completed, employee training records will be updated in GEMS. 
    • Refresher training required every two years
    • NOTE: A new Essential Personnel Acknowledgement Form only needs to be completed if you have changed job titles or departments.

*Send certificate to and include your employee ID number in the email. Please allow 2 business days for processing.

Non-Supervisor Essential Personnel

All non-supervisor essential personnel must complete the following training requirement.

Training Requirement:

  1. Essential Personnel Training
    • Refresher training required every two years
    • NOTE: A new Essential Personnel Acknowledgement Form only needs to be completed if you have changed job titles or departments.

Accommodations may be made for groups without regular computer access. Please email with requests for accommodations.