
Recent Faculty and Student Publications and Presentations

Recent Faculty Publications and Presentations

  • Agosto, V. (In Press, 2017).Art/is/try: Molding curriculum leadership and theory. The National FORUM of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal.
  • Agosto, V., Kyobe, C., & Elam, D. (2017).Namesake schools: Vulnerable places and cultural narratives of the South. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 14(1), 69-84.
  • Agosto, V., Karanxha, Z., Unterreiner, A., Cobb-Roberts, D., Esnard, T. & Beck, M. (2016).Running bamboo: A mentoring network of women intending to thrive in academia. NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education, 9(1), 1-16.
  • Agosto, V. (2016).Anna J. Cooper’s curriculum: A rhetorical and pedagogical analysis. [INVITED]. In D. Taliaferro Baszile, K. Edwards, & N. Guillory (Eds.), Womanish ways: Renderings at the intersections of race, gender and curriculum theorizing (pp. 37-51). Lanham, MD. Lexington Books.
  • Agosto, V., Karanxha, Z., & Cobb-Roberts, D. (2016). Critical (race) media literacy in the curriculum of faculty development: The retreat to teachable moments. In T. Marsh & N. Croom (Eds.). Envisioning critical race praxis in higher education through counter-storytelling (pp. 107-120). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Cobb-Roberts, D., Esnard, T., Unterreiner, A., Agosto, V., Karanxha, Z., Beck, M., & Wu, K. (2017).Mentoring among women faculty of color: A meta-synthesis. In Clutterbuck, D., McClelland, A., Kochon, F., Lunsford, L., Smith, B. (Eds.) SAGE handbook of mentoring (pp. 375-388). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Wolgemuth, J. R., Hicks, T., & Agosto, V. (2017). Unpacking assumptions in best evidence systematic reviews: A critical construct synthesis approach, Educational Researcher, 46(3), 131-139.
  • Black, W. & Montalvo, J. (2017) The Individual Education Plan: From individual needs to meaningful relationships. TASH Connections, 42(1), 8-13.
  • Black, W., Burrello, L. & Mann, J., (2017) A new framework for leadership preparation: Appreciative Organizing in Education. NASSP Bulletin, 101(1), 50-71.
  • Black, W., Mann, J., & Haines, J. (2017). Developing and sustaining the Gulf Coast Partnership: Possibility, success, and challenges in preparing leaders. In D. Yendol-Hoppey, D. A. Shanley, D.C. Delane, & D. Hoppey (Eds.) Working together: Enhancing urban educator quality through School-University partnerships (193-219). Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Press.
  • Danzig, A., Black, W., & Martin, G. (2016). Research on the principal pipeline in a single state context: Implications for preparing and supporting school leaders. In B. Jones and A. Rolle (Eds.) Leading schools in challenging times: Eye to the future (83-114). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
  • Reyes-Geurra, D., Tucker, P., Black, W., Sanzo, K. & McManus, T. (2017, April). Improving University Preparation of Principals.  Panel presentation at the Southern Regional Educational Board Annual Leadership Forum, Atlanta, GA.
  •  Black, W., Mann, J., & Haines, J. (2016, November). Developing and sustaining the Gulf Coast Partnership: Possibilities, successes, and challenges. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Detroit, MI.
  • Black, W. & Danzig, A. (2016, November). Principal licensure production, academic drift, and epistemic drift:  Mismatches in leadership preparation, purpose, and employment outcomes. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Detroit, MI.
  • Hoppey, D., Black, W., Mickleson, A. (In press) The evolution of inclusive practice in two elementary schools: Reforming teacher purpose, instructional capacity, and data informed practice. International Journal of Educational Reform, 27(1).
  • Radd, S. I. & Grosland, T.J. (2016). Desegregation policy as leadership: The case for critical consciousness and racial literacy. Educational Policy. doi:10.1177/0895904816637686
  • Matias, C.E. & Grosland, T.J. (2016). Digital Storytelling as racial justice: Digital hopes for deconstructing whiteness in teacher education.  Journal of Teacher Education, 67(2), 152-164. doi:10.1177/0022487115624493
  • Ponticell, J., Zepeda, S., Jimenez, A., Lanoue, P., Ata, A., & Haines, J. G., (in press). Observation, feedback, and reflection by supervisors. In Ponticell, J., Zepeda, S. (Eds.), The Handbook of Educational Supervision (pp.00-00). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Karanxha, Z. (In Press). Zero Tolerance. In C. J. Schreck (Editor-in-Chief), Leiber, M. J., Welch, K., & Ventura Miller, H. (Associate Editors) Encyclopedia of Juvenile Delinquency and Justice. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Agosto, V., & Karanxha, Z. (2018). Conduct un/becoming: Discipline in (researching) educational leadership practice. In Wilkinson, J., & L. Bristol (Eds.), Educational leadership as a culturally-constructed practice: New directions and possibilities. Routledge.

Recent Collaborative Student and ELPS faculty publications

  • Roland, E., & Agosto, V. (2017).Black women resident assistants: Seeking and serving as bridges, givers, filters, mentors, advisors and community builders. NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education. 1-17.
  • Wolgemuth, J. R., Agosto, V., Riley, M., Jones, R., Lam, Y. H. & Hicks, T. (2016).Storying transition-to-work for/and youth on the autism spectrum in the United States: A critical construct synthesis of academic literature. Disability & Society, 31(6), 777-797.  
  • Agosto, V., Hernandez, A., & McConnell, H. (2016). Life histories and leadership of two Latino (Puerto Rican) education administrators, The National FORUM of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal. 33(2-3), 42-60.
  • Agosto, V., Karanxha, Z., McConnell, H., & Allen, L. (2017).Conduct un/becoming: Discipline in the context of educational leadership research. In Wilkinson, J., & Bristol, L. (Eds.). Educational leadership as a culturally-constructed practice: New directions and possibilities (pp. 243-267). Routledge
  • Agosto, V., & Jones, R. (2016). Masking mentorship: Critical (race) care among Black males in special education. In L. Bass (Ed.). Black mask-ulinity: A framework for Black masculine caring (pp. 77-90). Peter Lang.
  • Diaz, C. & Black, W. (2016). In search of care and structure:  A study of resilient Latino students who chose enrollment  in an Adult Basic Education/Under-aged General Education Program.  National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal, 34(4), 32-43.
  • Dickerson, S.,Dove, M., Agosto, V., & Dickerson, M. * (2016). Leadership that lasts a lifetime: Collegiate advising as mentoring in an extracurricular organization. In K.Peno, E. Silva Mangiante, & R. Kenahan, (Eds.). Formal and informal mentoring in multiple contexts (pp. 119-136). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Neale, J. & Black, W. (2016). To see and be seen: Exploring tensions in a district-wide teacher evaluation reform. In B. Jones and A. Rolle (Eds.) Leading schools in challenging times: Eye to the future (15-48). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
  • Nkrumah, T., Roland, E., Dillon, S., & Agosto, V.  (October, 2016). Through Sisterhood: Navigating Intersectionality and Transformative Leadership, Paper presented at the Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference, Cleveland, OH.
  • Nkrumah, T., Salaam, O.J., Agosto, V., Roland, E.. (November, 2016). Ethnodramatic performance of “Goodbye to all that! Staged as part of the symposium ‘Using an Ethnodramatic Case to Discuss Teaching and Learning in Schools Serving Vulnerable Youth.’ Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the University Council of Educational Administration Conference, Detroit, MI.  
  • Taylor, A., Roberts, L., Miles, R,  Burrello, LC, & Mann, J. (2016, November) The intersection of district and school leadership in an small urban Southern school district. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Detroit, MI.
  • 1. Davis, D. & Agosto, V. (2017) Review of Teaching controversial issues: The case for critical thinking and moral commitment in the classroom by N. Noddings & Brooks, L.. Teachers College Record.
  • 1. Karanxha, Z., Black, W., & Fisher, D. (2017).: Leading with Compassion, Vitality, and Mindfulness in Education by Jerome T. Murphy. Teachers College Record, Published: January 25, 2017, ID Number: 21808.

Recent Student Publications and Presentations

  • Bailey, M. R. P. (2016). Invasion of the body snatchers: Pedagogicide and teacher evaluation in the age of accountability. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 18(1&2), 139-154.
  • Bauman, C. (2016, October). Empowering and acknowledging all teacher leaders: Identifying and fostering trusting ties. Poster presented at the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association (AEA). Atlanta GA.
  • Bauman, C. (2016, October). Empowering and acknowledging all teacher leaders: Identifying and fostering trusting ties. Roundtable presentation at the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association (AEA). Atlanta GA.
  • Davis, A.D., & Raulerson, C. (October, 2016) Enhancing your toolbox: Effective district planning to achieve student outcomes. Poster presented at National PBIS Leadership Forum, Chicago, Il.
  • Davis, A.D., & Raulerson, C. (October, 2016) Enhancing your toolbox: Effective district planning to achieve student outcomes. Poster presented at National PBIS Leadership Forum, Chicago, Il.
  • Dickerson, S. L., Salaam, O. J., & Anthony, A. A. (2017). Insights from the Flow of Teacha’: Considering Hip-Hop in Education. In T. N. Watson, J. S. Brooks, & F. D. Beachum (Eds.), Educational Leadership and Music: Lessons for Tomorrow’s School Leaders (p. 91-100). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Nkrumah, T., Dhillon, S. K., Roland, E. (2016, November). De-essentializing women of color: A tri-autoethnographical analysis of a social justice educational leadership doctoral program. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the University Council of Educational Administration Conference, Detroit, MI. 
  • Passero, A. C., & Jones, R. J. (2016). The promise: A cautionary tale of silencing social (in) justice. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 13(1), 85-98.
  • Ramlackhan, K. (2016, November). An analysis of the discourses of inclusion within a district leadership team. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council of Educational Administration, Detroit, MI.
  • Rinck, J. & Rinck, A. (June 2016). Internship Program Evaluation: A Collaborative Approach Utilizing Mixed Methods. Paper presented in a poster session at the 2016 WACE International Research Symposium. Victory, British Columbia, Canada.
  • Roland, E. (2016, November). Understanding intersectionality to promote social justice in education leadership.  Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration. Detroit, MI.
  • Silpe, S. (2017). Using Visual Data in Qualitative Research (2008) Marcus Banks. Los Angeles, CA: Sage. Journal Of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 13(28), 53-55.
  • Smith, S., Ball, W., Harris, P. L., & Cohen, C. (2016, June). Maintenance of State Financial Support (MFS): Challenges, Tools, and Technical Assistance: What Have We Learned and How Can We Help? Presentation at IDEA Data Center Interactive Institutes on High-Quality Part B Data. Savannah, GA.