About Us

Points of Pride


  • 2024 HIPs Faculty Award – Ipek Yucelen (2024)
  • Outstanding Student Organization Advisor Award from The Center for Leadership and
    Civic Engagement – Ipek Yucelen (2024)
  • 2024 Women in Leadership and Philanthropy Dr. Kathleen Moore Faculty Excellence
    Award - Nancy Diaz-Elsayed (2024)
  • Elevated to Senior Member status, National Academy of Inventors – Rasim Guldiken (2024)
  • Elevated to Senior Member status, National Academy of Inventors – Tansel Yucelen (2024) 
  • Elevated to Senior Member status, National Academy of Inventors – Redwan Alqasemi (2024)
  • Editor’s Choice Award for 2023 Tests and Analysis on the Dynamic Loosening of Jack
    Bolt Nuts Compared with Heavy Hex Nuts in Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention,  – Daniel Hess (2023)
  • 2022-2023 Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award – Ipek Yucelen (2023)
  • Best Paper Award at the Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies
    (CoDIT) 2023 – Tansel Yucelen (2023)
  • 91tvӰԺ COE Outstanding Teaching Award – Miguel Goni Rodrigo (2023)
  • Semi-finalist for the 2024 Robert Foster Cherry Award – Autar Kaw (2023)
  • Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Control, Decision and
    Information Technologies – Tansel Yucelen (2023)
  • Keynote speaker for the Smart Manufacturing Summit in Northern Ireland – Redwan
    Alqasemi (2023)
  • Elevated to Senior Member status, National Academy of Inventors – Ashok Kumar (2023)
  • Professor Emeritus Delcie Durham (ME) was honored as the namesake for 2023 SME
    Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Awards. (2023)
  • Recipient of the Thomas C. Evans Engineering Education Paper Award – Autar Kaw (2023)
  • 2022 SME Outstanding Young Engineer Manufacturing Award – Nancy Diaz Elsayed (2022)
  • Faculty Fellowship Program in Israel, Winter 2022/2023 – Redwan Alqasemi (2022)
  • 2022 91tvӰԺ Status of Latinos (SOL) Award – Nancy Diaz Elsayed (2022)
  • Named Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) – Tansel Yucelen (2022)
  • 2022 NSF CAREER Award – Arman Sargolzaei (2022)
  • 2022 NSF CAREER Award – Ying “Sarah” Zhong (2022)
  • 91tvӰԺ Faculty Outstanding Research Achievement Award – Rasim Guldiken (2022)
  • 91tvӰԺ Faculty Outstanding Research Achievement Award – Cai Mike Wang (2022)
  • 91tvӰԺ Faculty Outstanding Research Achievement Award – Stephanie Carey (2022)
  • 2022 Excellence in Innovation Award – Ying “Sarah” Zhong (2022)
  • 2022 91tvӰԺ STEER Award – Daniel Hess (2022)
  • Elevated to Senior Member Status, National Academy of Inventors – Rajiv Dubey (2022)
  • Excellence in Research, Pre-Tenure Award – David Murphy (2022)
  • Elected ASME Fellow – Rasim Guldiken (2022)
  • 2022 91tvӰԺ Academic Excellence Award – Rasim Guldiken (2022)
  • 91tvӰԺ Faculty Outstanding Research Achievement Award – Autar Kaw (2021)
  • 91tvӰԺ Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award – Ajit Mujumdar (2021)
  • 91tvӰԺ Outstanding Faculty Award – Michael Cai Wang (2021)
  • 91tvӰԺ STEER Scholar – Rasim Guldiken (2021)
  • ACS Doctoral New Investigator Award (Early career) – Michael Cai Wang (2021)
  • Elected president of the 91tvӰԺ Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA) - Frank Pyrtle, III (2021)
  • 91tvӰԺ COE Outstanding Junior Research Achievement Award – Michael Cai Wang (2021)
  • TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society) Functional Materials Division (FMD)
    Young Leaders Professional Development Award - Michael Cai Wang (2021)
  • Fulbright Scholar Kyle Reed (2019 - 2020)
  • DARPA SBIR Phase II Grant through OptoXense Tansel Yucelen (2019 - 2021)
  • AFRL Add Work Grant Tansel Yucelen (2019)
  • 2019 NSF CAREER award David Murphy (2019)
  • Lockheed Martin Grant Tansel Yucelen (2019)
  • NSF Graduate Student Travel Support Grant Tansel Yucelen (2019)
  • AFRL Grant through OptoXense Tansel Yucelen (2018)
  • 91tvӰԺ World Global Achievement Faculty Certificate Alex Volinsky (2018)
  • Faculty Outstanding Research Achievement Award; 91tvӰԺ Research and Innovation Tansel Yucelen  (2018)
  • Certificate of Recognition for being 2018 Excellence in Innovation Award Nominee; 91tvӰԺ Research and Innovation Tansel Yucelen (2018)
  • 2018 Excellence in Innovation Award - Stephanie Carey (2018)
  • 2018 Faculty Outstanding Research Achievement Award - Tansel Yucelen (2018)
  • 2018 Alliance for Citizens with Disabilities Hillsborough County Award - Redwan Alqasemi (2018)
  • NSF I-Corps Award - Rasim Guldiken (2018)
  • 2017-18 Ralph Coats Roe Award - Autar Kaw (2018)
  • Fullbright Specialist in Malaysia Summer 2018 - Autar Kaw (2018)
  • 2017 Early-Career Research and Science Policy Fellowship - David Murphy (2017)
  • NSF Award - Jonathan Gaines (2017)
  • NSF Award - Stephanie Carey (2017)
  • NSF Award - Nathan Crane (2017)
  • NSF Award - Wenjun Cai (2017)
  • 2017 TMS Young Leaders Professional Award - Wenjun Cai (2017)
  • NSF Award - Jonathan Gaines (2017)
  • NSF Award - Stephanie Carey (2017)
  • NSF Award - Autar Kaw (2016)
  • NSF Award - Tansel Yucelen (2016)
  • 2016 91tvӰԺ Global Achievement Faculty Award - Alex Volinsky (2016)
  • Dave Ward Memorial Lecture Award - Tansel Yucelen (2016)
  • Ashok Kumar Elevated to Prestigious SME College of Fellows (2016)
  • STEER Institute Scholars Teaching Award - Autar Kaw (2016)
  • NSF Award - Kyle Reed (2016)
  • NSF Award - Nathan Crane (2016)
  • NSF CAREER award - Wenjun Cai (2015)
  • 91tvӰԺ Excellence in Innovative Award for Exceptional Achievement in Innovation and Research - Kyle Reed (2015)
  • Best Paper Award by the ASME Design Engineering Division's Mechanisms and Robotics Committee - Craig Lusk (2015)
  • Ashok Kumar elected AIMBE Fellow
  • NSF Award - Alex Volinsky (2014)
  • Fulbright Scholar - Nathan Crane (2014)
  • Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award from SAE International - Rasim Guldiken (2014)
  • 91tvӰԺ Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award - Ajit Mujumdar (2014)
  • NSF Innovation Corps Grant - Kyle Reed (2014)
  • Kosove Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching and Service Award - Autar Kaw (2013)
  • 91tvӰԺ Outstanding Faculty Recognition - Ashok Kumar (2013)
  • 91tvӰԺ Outstanding Faculty Recognition - Craig Lusk (2013)
  • 91tvӰԺ Outstanding Faculty Recognition - Nathan Gallant (2013)
  • U.S. Professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement & Support of Education awarded to Autar Kaw (2012)
  • ASME Engineer of the Year Award - Rasim Guldiken (2012)
  • 91tvӰԺ Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award - Rasim Guldiken (2012)


  • 91tvӰԺ Signature Research Doctoral Fellowship in 2024 – Adila Hoque (2024)
  • Awardee of GEM Fellowship – Marcelo Farfan (2024)
  •  Barry M. Goldwater Scholar Award – Daniela Zamora Alviarez (2024)
  • Barry M. Goldwater Scholar Award - Keegan Suero (2024)
  • Finalist for IEEE-HKN Best Student Paper Award at IEEE SoutheastCon 2024 – Hamed
    Faghihian (2024)
  • Travel Award from American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) to present at Conference in Washington DC - Sandra Faragalla (2023)
  •  Best Workshop Paper Award at "the 6th IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing 2023 – Parisa Ansari Bonab (2023)
  • Selected to present her flexible batteries, called FlexBATS, at Defense Tech Connect 2023 – Eesha Bhattacharjee (2023)
  • COE Representative for NSF 2023 S-STEM Scholars Meeting – Daniela Zamora Alviarez (2023)
  • Received best paper award at the Conference on Control, Decision, and Information Technologies (CoDIT) 2023 - Deniz Kurtoglu (2023)
  • 2nd Place at Innovative Additive Manufacturing 3D Competition, 2023 - Davaughn McAnuff, Saifullah Farrag, Tyler Leniek, Clayton Baker, and Michael Edgemon (2023)
  • Received the best poster award at FAV summit 2023 – Hamed Faghihian and Parisa Ansari Bonab (2023)
  • Recipient of the 2023 Never Satisfied Scholarship from the biofuel company POET - Daniela Zamora Alviarez (2023)
  • Selected as McKnight Affiliate - Omololu Makinde (2023)
  • Awardee of a one-year, $20,000 doctoral fellowship from the National GEM Consortium - Valerie Zapata (2023)
  • Awardee of the 2022-2023 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program – Alexandria
    -Ѿé (2023)
  • Tampa Bay Inno 25 under 25 Honoree – Fayek Zaman (2022)
  • Barry M. Goldwater Scholar Award - Alexandria -Ѿé (2022)
  • Graduate Research Symposium Winner – Niraliben Patel (2022)
  • Best Poster Presentation at NanoFlorida 2022 – Md Rubayat-E Tanjil (2022)
  • NASA Space Technology Graduate Researcher – Ossie Douglas (2022)
  • Outstanding Senior Award - Thomas Blake (2022)
  • Koerner Family Foundation (KFF) Supplemental Student Stipend Award – John Cotter (2021)

  •  Sigma Xi “Top Undergraduate Research Presentation in Engineering” - Alexandria Brady Miné (2021)

  • Outstanding Senior Award - Leah Biamonte (2021)

  • Finalist in the 2018 AIAA GNC Conference Graduate Student Paper Competition - Ehsan Arabi (2017)
  • 2017 NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship - Kaitlin Lostroscio (2017)
  • 2017 American Solar Energy Society John and Barbara Yellott Award - Francesca Moloney (2017)
  • First Place Poster Presentation at IMECE 2016 - Michelle Morency (2016)
  • 2016 91tvӰԺ Engineering Research Day Award - Millicent Schlafly (2016)
  • 2016 91tvӰԺ Engineering Research Day Award - Justin Nussbaum (2016)
  • 2016 Graduate Student Research Symposium Award - Mustafa Mashali (2016)
  • Honorable Mention for NSF Graduate Research Fellowship - Daniel Capecci (2016)
  • 2015 Present-a-Bull Award - Christina-Anne Lahiff (2016)
  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship - Francesca Moloney (2016)
  • Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) - Francesca Moloney (2016)
  • Best Paper Award by ASME Design Engineering Division's Mechanisms and Robotics Committee - Ahmad Alqasimi (2015)
  • NSF East Asia Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) Fellowship - Joel Cooper (2015)
  • NSF Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW) - Joel Cooper (2015)
  • ASME Student Engineer of the Year Awarded to Katie Hart (2014-15)
  • SEI Scholarship awarded to Jamie Trahan (2014)
  • NSF Fellowship awarded to Laura Byrnes-Blanco (2014)
  • ASME Student Engineer of the Year Awarded to Marcos A. Robles (2013)
  • ASME Graduate Teaching Fellowship awarded to Jamie Trahan (2013)
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) awarded to Laura Byrnes-Blanco (2013)
  • Our students come from over 35 countries from around the world