Honors Admissions

7-Year B.S./M.D. Program

*As you review the information below, feel free to reach out to Mr. Carter Harbert, Coordinator of Health Pathway Programs, with additional questions at BSMD@honors.usf.edu.

Please note: To be eligible for this program incoming students MUST meet the following criteria:

  • 4.0 weighted HS grade point average (GPA), as calculated by 91tvӰԺ Undergraduate Admissions, AND
  • SAT (Critical Reading and Math sections) score of 1500 OR combined ACT score of 34 (we super-score all attempts for both tests)


Students' first three years of college study will be completed at the Judy Genshaft Honors College at 91tvӰԺ and the fourth year will be completed through the Morsani College of Medicine (MCOM). A Bachelor of Science (B.S.) will be conferred following successful completion of undergraduate requirements (typically after the fourth year of study). Students applying for this accelerated program will complete a major in Biomedical Sciences (BMS). The Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) will be conferred by MCOM after the successful completion of the 4-year medical program.

During the first three years of study Judy Genshaft Honors College academic advisors will provide oversight of the student's progress in meeting undergraduate requirements and will coordinate overall completion of the first phase of the program. The Morsani College of Medicine will provide oversight of the 4-year medical school curricular components of the program.

PLEASE NOTE: There is no formal application for the 7-Year B.S./M.D. Program. Students interested in following the 7-Year B.S./M.D. Track must reach initial eligibility requirements (below) and should communicate this information to their Honors College advisor during their summer orientation. Students will formally declare their intent to follow the Program by completing a declaration form on the B.S./MD website in mid-April of the first year on campus.



  • Apply directly for Undergraduate Admission to 91tvӰԺ and, after, to the Judy Genshaft Honors College (JGHC)
  • Initial eligibility: 4.0 weighted HS grade point average (GPA), as calculated by 91tvӰԺ Undergraduate Admissions and SAT (Critical Reading and Math sections) score of 1500 or combined ACT score of 34 (we super-score all attempts for both tests)
  • Once admitted to 91tvӰԺ and the Judy Genshaft Honors College, no additional application is required for the 7-Year B.S./M.D. Program. Note: Admission to JGHC does not imply 7-Year eligible; you must meet criteria identified in bullet 2 above.


  • Eligible students follow the 7-Year Track during their first year of undergraduate enrollment
  • In the Spring semester of Year 1, students interested in formally continuing on to the second year of the program will be required to email a declaration of intent
  • Students who meet all specified benchmarks will officially apply to the Morsani College of Medicine (MCOM) Core Program during the summer between Years 2 and 3
  • Students must elect the Early Decision (EDP) timeline to submit their applications through the American Medical Application Service (AMCAS):
    • Early Decision (EDP) applicants must submit the primary application (including transcripts) prior to August 1.
    • An MCAT score which meets the program benchmark must be received by the Morsani College of Medicine no later than the AMCAS EDP primary application deadline.
    • Note: AMCAS applications may be submitted beginning in early June of each year. Since AMCAS reviewers need four to six (4-6) weeks to verify applications prior to forwarding information to medical schools, we strongly encourage students to submit their primary applications by June 15 for the Early Decision option.
    • Students will submit supplementary application materials, including letters of recommendation, to the Morsani College of Medicine no later than the secondary application deadline (currently August 15 for Early Decision).
    • Applicants who have met all GPA, MCAT, and co-curricular benchmarks, and have submitted required application materials by the EDP deadline will receive an invitation for a formal interview by the Morsani College of Medicine.
    • Successful completion of the interview is a requirement for acceptance into the Morsani College of Medicine for Years 4-7.


1. Grade Point Average

At the end of the spring semester of Year 1, students must attain both an overall (OA) and science/math (BCPM) grade point average (GPA) of 3.60, without the use of grade forgiveness. If students transfer in a GPA from dual enrollment or transient coursework completed at another institution, the overall and science/math GPAs from all coursework completed at 91tvӰԺ must also be 3.60 or higher.

At the end of the summer semester of Years 2 and 3, students must attain both an overall (OA) and science/math (BCPM) grade point average (GPA) of 3.80 in all college coursework and in all 91tvӰԺ coursework, without the use of grade forgiveness.

Note: GPAs are not rounded.

2. Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)

The MCAT must be taken at least one month prior to the EDP primary application deadline. Contact the 7-Year Program Advisor for the current benchmark score. The score must be available to the Morsani College of Medicine by August 1st of the application year. It is recommended that students begin preparing a year in advance for the MCAT.

3. Health-Related Research

Students are required to complete a minimum of two (2) semesters of undergraduate health-related research. Research may be lab-based, clinical, or social//behavioral in nature. Prior to starting the research project, students must obtain approval from the 7-Year Program advisor. Students should request and submit a Research Proposal Form from the 7-Year Program advisor for review. Students often opt to complete their research as their Honors Research Project/Thesis (IDH 4970 x 2). In this instance, students should plan to begin their research a semester prior to the two-semester project.

The purpose of this requirement is to immerse students in research so they gain a full understanding of all aspects of the research process, including inquiry, developing and testing hypotheses, methodology, analyzing/interpreting results, gathering conclusions and considering implications/future potential projects. This also includes learning whether or not students enjoy research and would like it to be integrated into their career and to learn to understand scientific/medical literature. Ideally, student researchers would have their own projects and data with which to work. However, since this is not always possible, there are students (not enrolled in thesis) who work closely with faculty mentors (or doctoral-level students working for principal investigators), assisting them with the various steps in the research process (and many times being responsible for individual tasks).

4. Judy Genshaft Honors College Curriculum

Prior to matriculation to the Morsani College of Medicine in Year 4, students must complete the Judy Genshaft Honors College (JGHC) curriculum: a two semester Thesis (IDH 4970 x 2), IDH 3600 (Biomedical Ethics), IDH3400 (Medical Humanities course recommended), 50 hours of Community Service (these may be the same hours submitted for the 7-Year Program), and fulfill the JGHC’s Experiential Learning requirement. Students must also complete any additional courses needed to fulfill Enhanced General Education requirements. Please review the   to determine which Honors courses fulfill specific requirements.

5. Medical Observation & Community Service

By May 15 of Year 1, students must submit a minimum of 40 contact hours of any combination of community service or medical observation. Only hours completed after high school graduation will apply toward the 7-Year B.S./M.D. program.

Students must complete a minimum of 120 contact hours of medical observation and community service (60 hours each) by June 1st of Year 2. Students who opt to apply to medical schools outside the 7-Year B.S./M.D. program should plan to complete hours comparable to national averages (200 for observation and 400 for service).

Students must document hours by requesting an Observation/Service Form from the 7-Year Program advisor. An email confirmation from the physician or site supervisor (or designee) may be required.  

6. Medical Observation

Students must complete a minimum of 60 contact hours of approved medical observation by June 1 of Year 2. Acceptable observation experiences include physician (primarily M.D.) shadowing (i.e. observing) or direct patient/physician interaction in a hospital or clinic. Students should discuss opportunities with the 7-Year Program advisor to ensure that their medical observation is suitable to fulfill the program's requirement and AAMC ethical standards.

7. Community Service

A career in medicine is a career in service; therefore, service is an important component of a pre-medical student's preparation. Students in the 7-Year B.S./M.D. program must complete a minimum of 60 contact hours of service by the time they submit their primary AMCAS application to the Morsani College of Medicine. Service may be completed on or off-campus, but it must be affiliated with a recognized non-profit organization which provides donated services for public benefit. Examples of appropriate service activities include Habitat for Humanity, Reach Out and Read, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, United Way, Metropolitan Ministries, Project Downtown, and service projects organized through 91tvӰԺ's Center for Leadership & Civic Engagement. Students may volunteer in a hospital or clinic in order to obtain patient-care experience; community service of a non-medical nature is also strongly encouraged.

Note: Volunteer activities that are religious or political in nature are not accepted toward this requirement. If you are unsure whether or not your intended service experience is appropriate to meet the 7-Year B.S./M.D. requirement, please check with the Program advisor.

8. Morsani College of Medicine Interview

Students must successfully interview with the Morsani College of Medicine (MCOM). Early Decision interviews are typically conducted in September and October of Year 3. Judy Genshaft Honors College advisors are available to assist students in preparing for the formal interview.

9. Letters of Recommendation

Students must submit a minimum of two letters of recommendation as part of the secondary application to MCOM (required letter amounts vary among other medical schools). Click for more information on how to apply to MCOM.