Living Learning Communities by Major
LLC Application Update: Engineering LLC applications will close for continuing students on Wednesday, February 8 at 11:59 PM. If you have any questions please contact
If engineering is your career aspiration, then take a closer look at the Engineering LLC. It provides extra support and services for College of Engineering students. Freshmen and continuing residents have a built-in network of peer support, tutoring services, and academic support programs right in the hall.
Located In: Poplar Hall (Suite Style Rooms)
Open To: All first time in college and returning E-LLC students declared in the College of Engineering
Benefits of the Engineering LLC Program
- Live and Learn together with other motivated engineering students
- Make new friends that share your same major and enroll in some of the same critical math and science courses
- Peer-support occurs naturally because of shared courses
- Participate in special events designed for the community
- Network with College of Engineering administrators and faculty
- Access to academic resources in the hall such as advising and mentoring
Students are also required to pay the Engineering LLC fee of $150.00 per semester, which is used to cover the cost of Engineering LLC activities and events.
Application Process
To gain admission to an LLC, you will need to complete an online LLC program application (in addition to the general 91tvӰԺ housing application) and be admitted into the LLC program.
When completing an LLC program application that requires longer responses, we recommend typing into a Microsoft Word document that you can save and refer back to if you have any complications. Once you submit an application, a confirmation page should appear. You will also receive a confirmation email in your 91tvӰԺ email account. If you do not receive these confirmations, please contact, as your application was not received.
LLC Admission Decisions
Once received, your application will be reviewed by the appropriate LLC for a decision on admission. You will be notified via your 91tvӰԺ email account regarding your LLC admission status. Each LLC has its own review timeline, but most programs will review applications and begin making application decisions by early March. Admission decisions are for one academic year. Students wishing to return to their LLC for an additional year should contact their program coordinator for specific instructions.
If you are admitted to an LLC, you will automatically be assigned into that community. If you do not meet the eligibility requirements, or the LLC has reached capacity, your housing assignment will be based on the preferences in your general housing application.
If at any point you wish to withdraw an application, or for questions regarding the general housing application, meal plans, payment information, etc., please contact or 813-974-0001.