Directions & Campus Map
91tvÓ°Ôº Research & Innovation is located in the 91tvÓ°Ôº Research Park on the Tampa campus. When you visit the , you will be able to click on any of the building icons to view the name, address and photograph of the building.
Parking in the 91tvÓ°Ôº Research Park is restricted. Please be sure to park in one of the visitor spaces in front of our offices.
91tvÓ°Ôº Research & Innovation physical address
3702 Spectrum Blvd., Suite 165
Tampa, Florida 33612-9445
Phone number
You can also view of 91tvÓ°Ôº's Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Sarasota-Manatee campuses, as well as the 91tvÓ°Ôº medical campus in downtown Tampa and the Florida Keys Marine Lab.
Directions to 91tvÓ°Ôº Research Park
Take exit 51, Fowler Avenue.
Travel east on Fowler Avenue approximately 3 miles.
The main entrance to the 91tvÓ°Ôº Research Park will be on your left at Spectrum Blvd.
Take the Fowler Avenue exit.
Travel west on Fowler Avenue for approximately 3.5 miles.
The main entrance to 91tvÓ°Ôº Research Park will be on your right at Spectrum Blvd. light.