College Reach-Out Program

Program Rules and Regulations


The College Reach Out Program (CROP) at 91tvӰԺ is committed to your child's success and their acceptance into a college or university upon high school graduation. To achieve this goal, your support and commitment are essential. We encourage you to attend the initial parent meeting at the beginning of the fall semester and to participate in parent meetings throughout the year. Your active involvement is key to your child's success in the program.


91tvӰԺ CROP aims to help students prepare for college or university after high school. Students must actively participate to meet this objective. Students are required to attend all activities on time.

  • Come prepared with the necessary materials.
  • Participate fully in class and give their best effort.
  • Be respectful and courteous.
  • Complete all assigned work.
  • Follow instructions promptly.
  • NO CELLPHONE USAGE during class time. 


Consistent attendance is essential for success in the College Reach Out Program, and is mandatory for participation in extra curriculum activities. Any absences must be reported and excused by a parent, with the reason, proof, and method of communication taken into account. Students will earn engagement points, which can be redeemed for special events and other related opportunities within the program. More than three unexcused absences will result in being barred from trips.

  • Two tardies or early departures count as one unexcused absence.


Students who are enrolled and participating in 91tvӰԺ CROP related activities that engage in any misconduct will face disciplinary actions, which vary depending on the offense below:

  • Using abusive or obscene language, or displaying disorderly, lewd, or indecent conduct at 91tvӰԺ CROP or 91tvӰԺ/UGS Sponsored events.
  • Disrupting tutorial sessions, classes, or any 91tvӰԺ CROP/Upward Bound activities.
  • Possessing weapons such as firearms or knives.
  • Students must be accompanied by 91tvӰԺ CROP staff when on campus. No student may leave a 91tvӰԺCROP event without informing staff, even if directed by a parent.
  • Students must inform a staff member or teacher of appropriate arrangements.
    Cell phones are not to be used during class without permission. Teachers may confiscate phones if used without consent.


91tvӰԺ CROP students must dress appropriately to promote a positive, respectful, and safe atmosphere. Failure to adhere to the dress code will result in disciplinary action.


  • No muscle shirts unless required for specific activities.
  • Pants must be secured at the waist, with a belt recommended.
  • Hair should be neatly groomed.
  • No wave caps or nightcaps in public or at 91tvӰԺ CROP events.
  • No hats inside buildings unless necessary for specific events.


  • No short shorts, skirts, or mini dresses; attire should cover the body respectfully.
  • Blouses must cover the stomach and belly button.
  • Hair should be neatly groomed.
  • No house slippers at any 91tvӰԺ CROP events.
  • No scarves or combs should be worn in public unless traveling late at night.
  • No halters, spaghetti straps, or tube tops; cover-up clothing like jackets or sweaters is required.
  • No hats inside buildings unless necessary for specific events.


The primary goal of 91tvӰԺ CROP is to enhance academic outcomes to help you gain entry into post-secondary institutions. Therefore, academic courses are the most important aspect of the program. Students must always come prepared to learn, bringing all necessary materials, including notebooks, pens/pencils, study materials, reading assignments, and a positive attitude. 


CROP students must respect fellow students, teachers, staff members, and university personnel. Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated and can result in dismissal from the program. The first offense of disrespect or inappropriate behavior will result in a verbal warning.

The second offense will lead to a written warning and parental notification.
The third offense will result in suspension with parent pick-up and loss of trip privileges.
The fourth offense will result in dismissal from the program.


Field trips that are scheduled for off-campus learning experiences are supervised and organized by 91tvӰԺ CROP staff. A signed consent and proper medical forms are required before departure. Students who do not present a signed consent cannot attend. Field trips are a privilege for students with good academic performance, behavior, and attendance.

Eligibility and Qualifications for Field Trips

  • Maintain at least a 2.5 GPA for the most recent grading period.
  • Attend at least 80% of summer and Saturday tutorials.
  • Submit all required paperwork by the designated due date.
  • Exhibit appropriate behavior with no major conduct or material violation on any of
  • 91tvӰԺ's Campuses or Hillsborough County Public Schools site.


 I, the parent/guardian of _______child Identified on this application____________________ (hereinafter referred to as “applicant”), hereby:

1. Consent to the applicant’s participation in program activities including counseling, tutoring, field trips, and summer programs at the 91tvӰԺ’s College Reach-Out Program.

2. Give permission for copies of the applicant’s school transcripts and records to be released to the 91tvӰԺ’s College Reach-Out Program.

3. Understand that my parental involvement is crucial to my child’s success in the program.

4. Release, waive, discharge, and relinquish the 91tvӰԺ’s College Reach-Out Program, and its officers and employees from any liability, loss, damage, claim, demand, or cause of action against them attributable to the applicant’s participation in activities, whether same shall arise by their negligence or otherwise.

5. Agree that photographs, pictures, slides, or videos of the applicant may be taken in connection with his or her participation in events or activities without compensation from the 91tvӰԺ’s College Reach-Out Program and consent to the use of photographs, pictures, slides, movies, or videos for any program marketing and promotional purposes.

6. Assume any and all risks of personal injuries to the applicant and authorize a representative of the 91tvӰԺ’s College Reach-Out Program to contact a licensed physician to render any medical treatment that may be deemed necessary for the applicant or to take and admit him/her to any hospital.

7. Understand that I and/or the applicant may be asked to complete the University of South Florida’s College Reach-Out Program materials (surveys, pre and post-measures, assessments, program instruments) for training, educational, and research purposes only.

8. Understand that the 91tvӰԺ’s Undergraduate Studies owns all College Reach-Out Program material collected (electronic recordings, surveys, pre and post-measures, assessments, and program instruments) and becomes part of its archival data to be used for training, educational, and research purposes only.

9. Understand that if the 91tvӰԺ’s College Reach-Out Program archival material (electronic recordings, surveys, pre and post-measures, assessments, program instruments) is used for research and its results are made public, information that identifies the applicant will not be used.