
Faculty Awards

The offie of High Impact Practices and Undergraduate Research is pleased to recognize the hard work and dedication of faculty members across 91tvӰԺ campuses and their outstanding contributions in providing our students with transformative learning experiences. High-impact practices are proven to enhance student learning outcomes, promote engagement and retention, and are a key component of a well-rounded education.

The faculty members we recognize are at the forefront of implementing these high impact practices in their classrooms, specifically in the areas of global education and undergraduate research mentorship. Global education has become increasingly important in today's interconnected world, and undergraduate research is a critical component of a comprehensive education that prepares students for their future careers. To recognize these efforts, we present two different types of awards: Global Education Faculty Award and Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentorship Award.

Global Education Faculty Award

The Global Education Faculty Award recognizes faculty members who have created and delivered Global Citizens courses that allow our students to cultivate their global competencies. These faculty members have demonstrated a commitment to promoting global awareness and have gone above and beyond in providing students with unique and transformative learning experiences that broaden their perspectives and prepare them to be global citizens.

Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentorship Award

The Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentorship Award recognizes faculty members who have made significant contributions to the development of undergraduate research skills and the mentorship of undergraduate researchers.
These faculty members have been instrumental in guiding students through the research process, from identifying research questions to presenting their findings at the 91tvӰԺ Undergraduate Research conferences and other scholarly events.

2022-2023 High Impact Practices Faculty Awards Recepients 

Global Education Faculty Award

  • Professor Nicholas Albergo, from the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, College of Engineering. 
  • Professor Nancy Burns,  Judy Genshaft Honors College.
  • Professor Cihan Cobanoglu, the Dean of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, MUMA College of Business.
  • Professor Elizabeth Dunn, from the College of Public Health
  • Professor Sarina Ergas, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, College of Engineering.
  • Professor Laurel Friedman, Department of Communication, College of Arts & Sciences. 
  • Professor Ivonne Hernandez, College of Nursing.
  • Professor Navita C. James, Department of Communication, College of Arts & Sciences.
  • Professor Roberto Jimenez-Arroyo, World Languages Department, College of Arts & Sciences.
  • Professor Sang-Hie Lee, School of Music, College of the Arts.
  • Professor Tori Lockler, Department of Religious Studies, College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Professor Ryan McCleary, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Professor Christine McGuire-Wolfe, from the College of Public Health.
  • Professor Helene Robinson, Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Learning, College of Education.
  • Professor John Robison, School of Music, College of the Arts. 
  • Professor Stephanie Rosado, School of Social Work, College of Behavioral and
    Community Sciences.
  • Professor William Schanbacher, Department of Religious Studies, College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Professor Greg Smogard, the Assistant Vice President of Innovation and Business Development.
  • Professor Martine Wagner from the Department of World Languages, College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentorship Award
  • Professor Olukemi Akintewe, Department of Medical Engineering, College of Engineering & Morsani College of Medicine.